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A Spectral Atlas of F and G Stars
We present an atlas of a group of bright stars in the range of spectralclasses F--G and luminosity classes I--V. The spectra were obtainedwith spectral resolution R ˜ 15,000 within spectral region4500--6620 Å. Typical spectra of stars with different metallicity[Fe/H] are included. We also show the digital version of the spectraldata in FITS format.

A near-infrared stellar spectral library: I. H-band spectra.
This paper presents the H band near-infrared (NIR) spectral library of135 solar type stars covering spectral types O5-M3 and luminosityclasses I-V as per MK classification. The observations were carried outwith 1.2 meter Gurushikhar Infrared Telescope (GIRT), at Mt. Abu, Indiausing a NICMOS3 HgCdTe 256 x 256 NIR array based spectrometer. Thespectra have a moderate resolution of 1000 (about 16 A) at the H bandand have been continuum shape corrected to their respective effectivetemperatures. This library and the remaining ones in J and K bands oncereleased will serve as an important database for stellar populationsynthesis and other applications in conjunction with the newly formedlarge optical coude feed stellar spectral library of Valdes et al.(2004). The complete H-Band library is available online at: http://vo.iucaa.ernet.in/~voi/NIR_Header.html

ARIES imaging polarimeter.
An Imaging Polarimeter has been fabricated for use with liquid- N2cooled CCD camera and is designed to suit 104-cm Sampurnanand telescopewith an f/13 focus at Aryabhatta Research Institute of ObservationalSciences (ARIES), Naini Tal. The instrument measures the linearpolarisation in broad B, V and R band and has a field of view ~ 20' x20'. We are presenting here some observations regarding the polarisationof some polarised as well as unpolarised stars with a view to show theperformance of our polarimeter.

The peculiar variable V838 Monocerotis
Spectroscopic observations of the peculiar variable V838 Mon during theperiod from the second light outburst until the fast dimming arepresented. We describe high resolution (R≈60 000) high S/N spectraobtained a day before the second light maximum and low resolution(R≈6000) spectra covering the whole period. The temporal run ofintensities and radial velocities of various lines is presented. UsingNa I D IS lines we determine the reddening distance of V838 Mon d>3.1kpc, and kinematic distance d>4 kpc. We estimate that V838 Mon isslightly metal deficient but otherwise has a quite solar-like chemicalcomposition except for enhanced abundances of Li, Ba and La.

A Revised Calibration of the MV-W(O I 7774) Relationship using Hipparcos Data: Its Application to Cepheids and Evolved Stars
A new calibration of the MV-W(O I 7774) relationship hasbeen calculated using better reddening and distance estimates for asample of 27 calibrator stars of spectral types A to G, based onaccurate parallaxes and proper motions from the Hipparcos and Tychocatalogues. The present calibration predicts absolute magnitude withaccuracies of +/-0.38mag for a sample covering a large range ofMV, from -9.5 to +0.35 mag. The color term included in aprevious paper has been dropped since its inclusion does not lead to anysignificant improvement in the calibration. The variation of the O I7774 feature in the classical cepheid SS Sct has been studied. Wecalculated a phase-dependent correction to random phase OI featurestrengths in Cepheids, such that it predicts mean absolute magnitudesusing the above calibration. After applying such a correction, we couldincrease the list of calibrators to 58 by adding MV and O Itriplet strength data for 31 classical Cepheids. The standard error ofthe calibration using the composite sample was comparable to thatobtained from the primary 27 calibrators, showing that it is possible tocalculate mean Cepheid luminosities from random phase observations ofthe O I 7774 feature. We use our derived calibrations to estimateMV for a set of evolved objects to be able to locate theirpositions in the HR diagram.

Characteristics and classification of A-type supergiants in the Small Magellanic Cloud
We address the relationship between spectral type and physicalproperties for A-type supergiants in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC).First, we construct a self-consistent classification scheme for Asupergiants, employing the calcium K to Hɛ line ratio as atemperature-sequence discriminant. Following the precepts of the `MKprocess', the same morphological criteria are applied to Galactic andSMC spectra, with the understanding that there may not be acorrespondence in physical properties between spectral counterparts indifferent environments. Then we discuss the temperature scale,concluding that A supergiants in the SMC are systematically cooler thantheir Galactic counterparts at the same spectral type, by up to ~10 percent. Considering the relative line strengths of Hγ and the CH Gband, we extend our study to F- and early G-type supergiants, for whichsimilar effects are found. We note the implications for analyses ofluminous extragalactic supergiants, for the flux-weightedgravity-luminosity relationship and for population synthesis studies inunresolved stellar systems.

HD 19993 and HD 29035: New bright A-type emission-line stars
We present the results of photometric and spectroscopic observations oftwo A-type stars (HD 19993 and HD 29035), optical counterparts of theIRAS sources (F03108+3729 and 04331+5211, respectively). Hα lineemission is found in the optical spectra of both objects for the firsttime. Our analysis of the spectral line profiles and the photometricinformation shows that HD 19993 is an A7/8 II star (Teff~7500+/-200 K, log g =2.7+/-0.2, v sin i =35+/-2 km s-1,M=4.8+/- 0.8 Msun ) with a mild metal deficit ([Fe/H] ~-0.3+/-0.1), while HD 29035 is a B9/A0 V star (Teff ~10 000K, log g ~ 4, vsin i ~ 150 km s-1). The presence of an IRexcess and the Hα emission in combination with a very differentlocation in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram suggest the different natureand evolutionary stages of the objects. We conclude that HD 29035 is acandidate Herbig Ae type star, a possible member of a group of similarobjects. HD 19993 seems to be a post-main-sequence object.

Rotational velocities of A-type stars in the northern hemisphere. II. Measurement of v sin i
This work is the second part of the set of measurements of v sin i forA-type stars, begun by Royer et al. (\cite{Ror_02a}). Spectra of 249 B8to F2-type stars brighter than V=7 have been collected at Observatoirede Haute-Provence (OHP). Fourier transforms of several line profiles inthe range 4200-4600 Å are used to derive v sin i from thefrequency of the first zero. Statistical analysis of the sampleindicates that measurement error mainly depends on v sin i and thisrelative error of the rotational velocity is found to be about 5% onaverage. The systematic shift with respect to standard values fromSlettebak et al. (\cite{Slk_75}), previously found in the first paper,is here confirmed. Comparisons with data from the literature agree withour findings: v sin i values from Slettebak et al. are underestimatedand the relation between both scales follows a linear law ensuremath vsin inew = 1.03 v sin iold+7.7. Finally, thesedata are combined with those from the previous paper (Royer et al.\cite{Ror_02a}), together with the catalogue of Abt & Morrell(\cite{AbtMol95}). The resulting sample includes some 2150 stars withhomogenized rotational velocities. Based on observations made atObservatoire de Haute Provence (CNRS), France. Tables \ref{results} and\ref{merging} are only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/393/897

Study of variability in BL Lac objects
We have monitored some of the BL Lac objects, such as OJ287, Mrk 421,Mrk 501 etc from Mt Abu Infrared Observatory, using opticalphotopolarimeter, CCD and NICMOS-3 IR array mounted at the Cassegrainfocus of the 1.2 m telescope. The data obtained indicate existence ofvariability at various time scales. Some of the results on OJ 287 andMrk 421 are presented here.

The Physical Basis of Luminosity Classification in the Late A-, F-, and Early G-Type Stars. I. Precise Spectral Types for 372 Stars
This is the first in a series of two papers that address the problem ofthe physical nature of luminosity classification in the late A-, F-, andearly G-type stars. In this paper, we present precise spectralclassifications of 372 stars on the MK system. For those stars in theset with Strömgren uvbyβ photometry, we derive reddenings andpresent a calibration of MK temperature types in terms of the intrinsicStrömgren (b-y)0 index. We also examine the relationshipbetween the luminosity class and the Strömgren c1 index,which measures the Balmer jump. The second paper will address thederivation of the physical parameters of these stars, and therelationships between these physical parameters and the luminosityclass. Stars classified in this paper include one new λ Bootisstar and 10 of the F- and G-type dwarfs with recently discoveredplanets.

Absolute proper motions of open clusters. I. Observational data
Mean proper motions and parallaxes of 205 open clusters were determinedfrom their member stars found in the Hipparcos Catalogue. 360 clusterswere searched for possible members, excluding nearby clusters withdistances D < 200 pc. Members were selected using ground basedinformation (photometry, radial velocity, proper motion, distance fromthe cluster centre) and information provided by Hipparcos (propermotion, parallax). Altogether 630 certain and 100 possible members werefound. A comparison of the Hipparcos parallaxes with photometricdistances of open clusters shows good agreement. The Hipparcos dataconfirm or reject the membership of several Cepheids in the studiedclusters. Tables 1 and 2 are only available in electronic form at theCDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

Observational investigation of mass loss of M supergiants
We present the analysis of infrared photometry and millimeterspectroscopy of a sample of 74 late-type supergiants. These observationsare particularly suitable to study the mass loss and the circumstellarenvelopes of evolved massive stars. In particular, we quantify thecircumstellar infrared excess, the relation of mass loss with stellarproperties, using the K-[12] colour index as mass-loss indicator. We donot find any clear correlation between mass loss rate and luminosity. Wealso show that the K-band magnitude is a simple luminosity indicator,because of the relative constancy of the K-band bolometric correction.Based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory, LaSilla, Chile within program ESO 54.E-0914, and on observations collectedwith the IRAM 30m telescope. Tables A1 to A3 are only available inelectronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr( or via http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

A New Spectropolarimeter at the Dodaira Observatory
We report a newly developed spectropolarimeter with a low-dispersionresolution (R=40-200) and a wide coverage in wavelength (400-900 nm). Itis mainly used along with the 0.91 m telescope at the DodairaObservatory of the National Astronomical Observatory, Japan. Thisinstrument and the related reduction software are described briefly. Thepresent polarimetric accuracy (rms) is estimated to be[(P/50)^2+(0.05)^2]^1/2%, where P is the linear polarization degree inpercent. The spectropolarimeter has the advantage of being most usefulin the polarimetric studies of both the continuum and the strongemission and/or absorption lines. It is mainly used for the short- orlong-term monitoring of variable circumstellar polarization and ofpolarization in comets, and for studies on interstellar polarization.

Intereclipse Spectroscopic Snapshot of epsilon Aurigae with the Hubble Space Telescope
A single-epoch low-resolution Goddard High Resolution Spectrographspectrum of the eclipsing binary epsilon Aurigae was obtained while thesecondary was orbiting toward eclipse by the primary. The spectrum asrecorded between 1175 and 1461 Å is rich with emission andabsorption lines which include stellar and interstellar components. Theemission-line profiles have the appearance of double-peaked emissionwith a stronger red component at a radial velocity of +108 km s^-1, anoverlying unresolved absorption component at -20 km s^-1, and a weakerblue emission bump at ~-92 km s^-1. We compare these observationalresults with known orbital properties of the epsilon Aur binary systemand propose that the emission originates at the inner radius of the disksurrounding the enigmatic secondary. We interpret the kinematic data asa possible means to uncover the underlying stellar masses, and wespeculate about the binary's relationship to other ``high-mass'' models.

An analysis of Almagest magnitudes for the study of stellar evolution.
Not Available

Near infrared polarimetry of S255 IR complex.
Not Available

CCD spectra of MK standards and a preliminary extension of the MK classification to the yellow-red region.
Not Available

Empirical calibration of the lambda 4000 Å break
Empirical fitting functions, describing the behaviour of the lambda 4000Ä break, D4000, in terms of effective temperature,metallicity and surface gravity, are presented. For this purpose, thebreak has been measured in 392 stars from the Lick/IDS Library. We havefollowed a very detailed error treatment in the reduction and fittingprocedures, allowing for a reliable estimation of the breakuncertainties. This calibration can be easily incorporated into stellarpopulation models to provide accurate predictions of the break amplitudefor, relatively old, composite systems. Table 1 is only available inelectronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr( or via http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

UBV beta Database for Case-Hamburg Northern and Southern Luminous Stars
A database of photoelectric UBV beta photometry for stars listed in theCase-Hamburg northern and southern Milky Way luminous stars surveys hasbeen compiled from the original research literature. Consisting of over16,000 observations of some 7300 stars from over 500 sources, thisdatabase constitutes the most complete compilation of such photometryavailable for intrinsically luminous stars around the Galactic plane.Over 5000 stars listed in the Case-Hamburg surveys still lackfundamental photometric data.

The yellow hypergiants
We list the main stellar data of known hypergiants and similarlyluminous stars, and then concentrate on a review of the yellowhypergiants. These stars are post-red supergiants evolving alongblueward loops in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. Their properties,their location in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and their occasionalmass ejections are related to a region of atmospheric instability in theH-R diagram, the Yellow Void. The `bouncing against the border of theVoid' of three objects: ρ Cas, HR8752 and IRC+10420, is described.The apparent atmospheric instability of yellow hypergiants is related tothe atmospheric pulsations. There are indications that the approach tothe Void is associated with an increased amplitude of the pulsation andwith enhanced mass loss. The observed small-scale motion field is onlyapparently strongly supersonic; the observed large stochastic velocitiesare the quasi-stochastically varying thermal motions in the many hotsheets that occur in the wakes of many small shocks, while the realhydrodynamic velocity component is small and subsonic. This shock-wavefield is also responsible for the observed rate of mass loss and foremission in the wings of Hα . Most yellow hypergiants haveenvelopes containing gas and dust, but a thick extended envelope,presumably dissipating and showing bipolar outflow, is only known aroundIRC+10420. At the interface of the bipolar wind and the interstellarmedium one or more stationary shocks may develop as is observed in thecase of IRC+10420 and suspected with ρ Cas.

Temperatures for A0-K0 Supergiants from 13-Color Photometry
Observations on the 13-color photometric system are reported for 71A0-K0 supergiant stars brighter than V=6.0. Three independent methods todetermine the effective temperatures for A0-K0 supergiants from their13C photometry are discussed: 1) Calibrations between T$eff$and reddening-free indices are developed; temperatures were collectedfrom the literature for the calibration stars, and most of them werespectroscopically determined. 2) An empirical correlation betweenintrinsic colors in the 13C system and T$eff$ has beenderived. 3) The unreddened colors are compared with synthetic colorscalculated by Kurucz (1989); this leads to simultaneous estimates forT$eff$ and log $g$. The estimated uncertainties inT$eff$ by the three methods are comparable and areapproximately plus or minus 200-300K. (SECTION: Stars)

Optical spectrum of the IR source IRC+10420 in 1992-1996
To understand the evolutionary stage of the peculiar supergiantIRC+10420, we have been taking spectra for several years at the 6-mtelescope. The optical spectrum of IRC+10420 in the years from 1992through 1996 points to an increase in the effective temperature: aspectral class A5 instead of the former F8 determined by Humphreys etal. Now it resembles the spectra of late-type B(e) stars. The spectrumcontains both absorptions (mainly of ions) formed in the photosphere,apparently stationary with respect to the center of mass of the star,and emissions, which can be formed in the fossil expanding envelope aswell as partly in its compressing region. Using our spectra and spectraldata obtained by Oudmaijer, we estimate the atmospheric parameters Teff= 8500 K, log g = 1.0, and xi(t) = 12 km/s, and conclude that themetallicity of IRC+10420 is solar: the average value of(V,Cr,Fe)/H-solar = -0.03. A combination of results allows us toconsider IRC+10420 as a massive supergiant evolving to the WR stage.

Medium-Resolution Spectra of Normal Stars in the K Band
An Atlas of 115 medium-resolution K-band (2.0--2.4 mu m) stellarspectra, spanning spectral types O--M and luminosity types I--V, ispresented. K-band spectra are also presented for one N- and one J-typecarbon star. A time series of spectra is presented for an S-type Miravariable. All the spectra are at a resolution of ~3000 (1.4 cm-1) andhave had the terrestrial absorption removed by dividing by a featurelessspectrum. The spectra are plotted with the major spectral featuresidentified and are available digitally.

H gamma and H delta Absorption Features in Stars and Stellar Populations
The H gamma and H delta absorption features are measured in a sample of455 (out of an original 460) Lick/IDS stars with pseudo--equivalentwidth indices. For each Balmer feature, two definitions, involving anarrow (~20 Angstroms) and a wide (~40 Angstroms) central bandpass, aremeasured. These four new Balmer indices augment 21 indices previouslydetermined by Worthey et al., and polynomial fitting functions that giveindex strengths as a function of stellar temperature, gravity, and[Fe/H] are provided. The new indices are folded into models for theintegrated light of stellar populations, and predictions are given forsingle-burst stellar populations of a variety of ages and metallicities.Contrary to our initial hopes, the indices cannot break a degeneracybetween burst age and burst strength in post-starburst objects, but theyare successful mean-age indicators when used with sensitive metallicityindicators. An appendix gives data, advice, and examples of how totransform new spectra to the 25-index Lick/IDS system.

Accurate Two-dimensional Classification of Stellar Spectra with Artificial Neural Networks
We present a solution to the long-standing problem of automaticallyclassifying stellar spectra of all temperature and luminosity classeswith the accuracy shown by expert human classifiers. We use the 15Angstroms resolution near-infrared spectral classification systemdescribed by Torres-Dodgen & Weaver in 1993. Using the spectrum withno manual intervention except wavelength registration, artificial neuralnetworks (ANNs) can classify these spectra with Morgan-Keenan types withan accuracy comparable to that obtained by human experts using 2Angstroms resolution blue spectra, which is about 0.5 types (subclasses)in temperature and about 0.25 classes in luminosity. Accuratetemperature classification requires a hierarchy of ANNs, whileluminosity classification is most successful with a single ANN. Wepropose an architecture for a fully automatic classification system.

The Pulkovo Spectrophotometric Catalog of Bright Stars in the Range from 320 TO 1080 NM
A spectrophotometric catalog is presented, combining results of numerousobservations made by Pulkovo astronomers at different observing sites.The catalog consists of three parts: the first contains the data for 602stars in the spectral range of 320--735 nm with a resolution of 5 nm,the second one contains 285 stars in the spectral range of 500--1080 nmwith a resolution of 10 nm and the third one contains 278 stars combinedfrom the preceding catalogs in the spectral range of 320--1080 nm with aresolution of 10 nm. The data are presented in absolute energy unitsW/m(2) m, with a step of 2.5 nm and with an accuracy not lower than1.5--2.0%.

Near Infrared Spectroscopy of Highly Reddened Stars in the Galactic Plane
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1996AJ....112..235I&db_key=AST

A Medium-Resolution Search for Polarmetric Structure: Moderate Y Reddening Sightlines
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1996AJ....111..856W&db_key=AST

Colour excesses of F-G supergiants and Cepheids from Geneva photometry.
A reddening scale for F-G supergiants and Cepheids is presented.Supergiants with low reddenings or in clusters form the basis of thecalibration. In this sense, it is entirely empirical. The data have beenobtained in the Geneva photometric system. Comparisons with otherreddening scales show no disagreement. The only problem is with Fernie'sscale for Cepheids (1990), where a systematic trend exists. Its originis not clear. It is suggested to extend the number of supergiants withindependently obtained colour excesses in order to test the existence ofa possible luminosity dependence of the calibration. A period-colourrelation for Cepheids is deduced, on the basis of the present reddeningcorrections. It gives strong support for V473 Lyr being a secondovertone pulsator.



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距离:714.286 天文距离
B-T magnitude:5.751
V-T magnitude:5.069

Bayerφ Cas
Flamsteed34 Cas
HD 1989HD 7927
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 3682-2389-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1425-01819501
BSC 1991HR 382

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