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HD 5319




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Spectral Irradiance Calibration in the Infrared. XIV. The Absolute Calibration of 2MASS
Element by element, we have combined the optical components in the threecameras of the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), and incorporateddetector quantum efficiency curves and site-specific atmospherictransmissions, to create three relative spectral response curves (RSRs).We provide the absolute 2MASS attributes associated with ``zeromagnitude'' in the JHKs bands so that these RSRs may be usedfor synthetic photometry. The RSRs tie 2MASS to the``Cohen-Walker-Witteborn'' framework of absolute photometry and stellarspectra for the purpose of using 2MASS data to support the developmentof absolute calibrators for the Infrared Array Camera and pairwisecross-calibrators between all three SIRTF instruments. We examine therobustness of these RSRs to changes in water vapor within a night. Wecompare the observed 2MASS magnitudes of 33 stars (converted from theprecision optical calibrators of Landolt and Carter-Meadows intoabsolute infrared calibrators from 1.2 to 35 μm) with ourpredictions, thereby deriving 2MASS ``zero-point offsets'' from theensemble. These offsets are the final ingredients essential to merge2MASS JHKs data with our other absolutely calibrated bandsand stellar spectra, and to support the creation of faint calibrationstars for SIRTF.

Spectral Irradiance Calibration in the Infrared. XIII. ``Supertemplates'' and On-Orbit Calibrators for the SIRTF Infrared Array Camera
We describe the technique that will be used to develop a set of on-orbitcalibrators for the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) and demonstrate thevalidity of the method for stars with spectral types either K0-M0 III orA0-A5 V. For application to SIRTF, the approach is intended to operatewith all available optical, near-infrared (NIR), and mid-infrared (MIR)photometry and to yield complete absolute spectra from UV to MIR. Oneset of stars is picked from Landolt's extensive network of optical(UBVRI) calibrators, the other from the Carter-Meadows set of faint IRstandards. Traceability to the ``Cohen-Walker-Witteborn'' framework ofabsolute photometry and stellar spectra is assured. The method is basedon the use of either ``supertemplates,'' which represent the intrinsicshapes of the spectra of K0-M0 III stars from far-UV (1150 Å) toMIR (35 μm) wavelengths, or Kurucz synthetic spectra for A0-A5 Vstars. Each supertemplate or Kurucz model is reddened according to theindividual star's extinction and is normalized using availablecharacterized optical photometry. This paper tests our capability topredict NIR (JHK) magnitudes using supertemplates or models constrainedby Hipparcos/Tycho or precision ground-based optical data. We provideabsolutely calibrated 0.275-35.00 μm spectra of 33 Landolt andCarter-Meadows optical standard stars to demonstrate the viability ofthis technique, and to offer a set of IR calibrators 100-1000 timesfainter than those we have previously published. As an indication ofwhat we can expect for actual IRAC calibration stars, we have calculatedthe absolute uncertainties associated with predicting the IRACmagnitudes for the faintest cool giant and hot dwarf in this new set ofcalibration stars.

The Tokyo PMC catalog 90-93: Catalog of positions of 6649 stars observed in 1990 through 1993 with Tokyo photoelectric meridian circle
The sixth annual catalog of the Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle(PMC) is presented for 6649 stars which were observed at least two timesin January 1990 through March 1993. The mean positions of the starsobserved are given in the catalog at the corresponding mean epochs ofobservations of individual stars. The coordinates of the catalog arebased on the FK5 system, and referred to the equinox and equator ofJ2000.0. The mean local deviations of the observed positions from theFK5 catalog positions are constructed for the basic FK5 stars to comparewith those of the Tokyo PMC Catalog 89 and preliminary Hipparcos resultsof H30.

Classification of Population II Stars in the Vilnius Photometric System. II. Results
The results of photometric classification of 848 true and suspectedPopulation II stars, some of which were found to belong to Population I,are presented. The stars were classified using a new calibrationdescribed in Paper I (Bartkevicius & Lazauskaite 1996). We combinethese results with our results from Paper I and discuss in greaterdetail the following groups of stars: UU Herculis-type stars and otherhigh-galactic-latitude supergiants, field red horizontal-branch stars,metal-deficient visual binaries, metal-deficient subgiants, stars fromthe Catalogue of Metal-deficient F--M Stars Classified Photometrically(MDPH; Bartkevicius 1993) and stars from one of the HIPPARCOS programs(Bartkevicius 1994a). It is confirmed that high galactic latitudesupergiants from the Bartaya (1979) catalog are giants or even dwarfs.Some stars, identified by Rose (1985) and Tautvaisiene (1996a) as fieldRHB stars, appear to be ordinary giants according to our classification.Some of the visual binaries studied can be considered as physical pairs.Quite a large fraction of stars from the MDPH catalog are found to havesolar metallicity. A number of new possible UU Herculis-type stars, RHBstars and metal-deficient subgiants are identified.

Photometry of Stars in the Field of Nova Cassiopeiae 1993
Not Available

Photometry of Stars in the Field of the Dwarf Nova KU Cassiopeiae
Not Available

Photometry of Stars in the Field of WZ Cassiopeiae
Not Available

Photometry of Stars in the Field of the Mira EL Lyrae
Not Available

On the sytematic accuracy of the equatorial UBVRI standard stars
The considerable systematic difference in B-V between northern andsouthern measurements of the equatorial UBVRI standard stars arestudied. It is found that the northern data (Landolt 1983) are muchcloser to the original UBV system than the southern ones. The situationis less clear in the case of V and U-B.

Photometry of Stars in the Field of the Mira V418 Cassiopeiae
Not Available

UBVRI photometry of FKSZ stars. IV
The paper presents UBVRI photometry, in the Kron-Cousins system, for 117stars of the Catalog of Fundamental Faint Stars in the declination zone+18-0 deg. The observations were performed from July 1988 to March 1990with the ESO 0.50-m telescope at the ESO in La Silla, Chile. The resultsof 24 nights of observations are reported.

UBV(RI)c photometry of equatorial standard stars - A direct comparison between the northern and southern systems
UBV(RI)c photometry of 212 stars from Landolt's list of equatorialstandards is presented. The observations are tied to the system definedby Cousin's E-region standards. A comparison of the present results withLandolt's reveals reasonably good agreement for (V-R)c and (V-I)c, butmarked systematic differences for (B-V) and (U-B). The UBV systems ofCousins and Landolt are evidently not the same and both probably differfrom Johnson's original system.

Spectrophotometry of stars of intermediate brightness
Spectrophotometric observations of 15 stars in a magnitude range m ofbetween 8.0 and 10.9, located mostly near the equator and covering allthe range of right ascensions, are presented. The energy distributionshave been obtained in Hayes' (1970) system as revised by Hayes andLatham (1975), and in the augmented system presented by Taylor (1984).Comments about some of the standard stars are presented as well as acomparison of the results obtained with both systems.

Photoelectric Photometry of Stars in the Vilnius System in Kapteyn Areas SA:92 SA:108 and SA:112
Not Available

UBVRI photometric standard stars around the celestial equator
It is pointed out that accurate, internally consistent, and readilyaccessible standard star photometric sequences are necessary for thecalibration of the intensity and color data which astronomers obtain atthe telescope. The photometric results provided in connection with thepresent study represent the first part of an effort which is concernedwith the presentation of UBVRI photoelectric photometric standard starsin the magnitude range from 7 to 17 over as broad a range in color aspossible. All of the photometric observations were made with a 31034type photomultiplier used in a pulse counting mode. Some 15 to 25standard stars chosen from Cousins' lists (1973, 1976) in the E-regionswere observed with an 0.4-m telescope each night along with the programstars. UBVRI standard stars were observed periodically throughout thenight. Observations with a 0.9-m telescope were also conducted. TheUBVRI photoelectric observations take into account 223 stars.

The globular cluster system of the Galaxy. I - The metal abundances and reddenings of 70 globular clusters from integrated light measurements
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1980ApJS...42...19Z&db_key=AST

Distances to eclipsing binaries. III - Masses, radii, and absolute magnitudes of 96 stars
Distances to, and absolute magnitudes of, 96 components of eclipsingbinaries with well-determined absolute dimensions have been computedusing V-R photometry. The calculations take into account interstellarreddening, which is estimated from existing UBV and uvby-betaphotometry, as well as photometric proximity effects. The resultingabsolute magnitudes, dimensions, and masses are compared with zero-agemain sequences predicted by theory. Theory is in good agreement with theobserved data for stars more massive than the sun if a composition (X,Y, Z) = (0.66 + or - 0.03, 0.303 + or - 0.03, 0.037 + or - 0.005) ischosen. The corresponding helium-to-hydrogen number ratio is 0.115 + or- 0.02, in agreement with previous estimates.

Spectral classifications for Landolt's celestial equatorial standard stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1979AJ.....84..783D&db_key=AST

Equatorial UBVRI photoelectric sequences
From 1335 BVRI observations of 189 stars in selected areas 92-115,Landolt's (1973) network of faint UBV standards has been extended to RI. Of these stars, 173 have four or more observations. The (U-B) valuesof Landolt are adopted, and a well-observed equatorial faint-starnetwork is presented on the Johnson UBVRI photometric system.



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距离:100 天文距离
B-T magnitude:9.333
V-T magnitude:8.159

HD 1989HD 5319
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 12-104-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0900-00214113

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