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34 Psc (Ana Paula Aparecida Werndl)



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Roche tomography of cataclysmic variables - III. Star-spots on AE Aqr
We present a Roche tomography reconstruction of the secondary star inthe cataclysmic variable AE Aqr. The tomogram reveals several surfaceinhomogeneities that are due to the presence of large, cool star-spots.In addition to a number of lower latitude spots, the maps also show thepresence of a large, high-latitude spot similar to that seen in Dopplerimages of rapidly rotating isolated stars, and a relative paucity ofspots at a latitude of 40°. In total, we estimate that some 18 percent of the Northern hemisphere of AE Aqr is spotted.We have also applied the entropy landscape technique to determineaccurate parameters for the binary system. We obtain optimal massesM1 = 0.74Msolar, M2 =0.50Msolar, a systemic velocity γ = -63kms-1and an orbital inclination i = 66°.Given that this is the first study to successfully image star-spots onthe secondary star in a cataclysmic variable, we discuss the role thatfurther studies of this kind may play in our understanding of thesebinaries.

An empirical temperature calibration for the Δ a photometric system . I. The B-type stars
We establish an empirical effective temperature calibration of mainsequence, luminosity class V to III B-type stars for the Δ aphotometric system which was originally developed to detect magneticchemically peculiar objects of the upper main sequence (early B-type toearly F-type) at 5200 Å. However, this system provides the index(g_1-y) which shows an excellent correlation with (B-V) as well as (b-y)and can be used as an indicator of the effective temperature. This issupplemented by a very accurate color-magnitude diagram, y or V versus(g_1-y), which can be used, for example, to determine the reddening,distance and age of an open cluster. This makes the Δ aphotometric system an excellent tool to investigate theHertzsprung-Russell-Diagram (HRD) in more detail. Using thereddening-free parameters and already established calibrations withinthe Strömgren uvbyβ, Geneva 7-color and Johnson UBV systems, apolynomial fit of third degree for the averaged effective temperaturesto the individual (g_1-y)0 values was derived. For thispurpose, data from the literature as well as new observations were takenresulting in 225 suitable bright normal B-type objects. The statisticalmean of the error for this sample is 238 K which is sufficient toinvestigate the HRD of distant galactic open clusters as well asextragalactic aggregates in the future.

Rotation periods of Post-T Tauri stars in Lindroos systems
We present a rotational study of Post-T Tauri stars (PTTSs) in Lindroossystems, defined as binaries with early type primaries on themain-sequence (MS) and late-type secondaries on the pre-main-sequence(PMS) phase. The importance of this study in comparison with previousones is that the Lindroos sample is not X-ray selected so we avoid apossible bias towards fast rotators. In this preliminary study we havemonitored eleven stars in the UBVRI bands during two campaigns of tenconsecutive nights each. Eight of the observed PTTSs show periodicmodulations in their lightcurves and the derived periods range from 1.9d to 8.0 d. The comparison of these results with theoretical rotationaltracks based on disk-star locking theory shows that star-disk decouplingtimes of 1-20 Myr could reproduce the rotational properties of thetargets, assuming an initial rotation period of ˜8 d and a mass of 1Mȯ. We have studied the rotation-activity relations ofLindroos PTTSs and compared them with those found in other groups of PMSand zero-age main-sequence (ZAMS) ˜1 Mȯ stars. TheLindroos sample displays activity-rotation relations very similar tothose found in TTSs. It contains a mixture of very active stars, withLX/Lbol ratios close to the saturation level of-3, and less active (unsaturated) stars. This could be the result ofdifferent star-disk decoupling times. Future monitoring of a larger andunbiased sample of PTTS will be important to confirm the significance ofthese results.Based on observations collected at Cerro Tololo Inter-AmericanObservatory and the European Southern Observatory, La Silla, underproject 66.C-0119(B).

SCUBA observations of dust around Lindroos stars: evidence for a substantial submillimetre disc population
We have observed 22 young stars from the Lindroos sample at 850 μmwith SCUBA on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope to search for evidenceof dust discs. Stars in this sample are the less massive companions ofB-type primaries and have well-defined ages that are 10- 170 Myr; i.e.they are about to, or have recently arrived on the main sequence. Dustwas detected around three of these stars (HD 112412, 74067 and 99803B).The emission around HD 74067 is centrally peaked and is approximatelysymmetrically distributed out to ~70 arcsec from the star. This emissionarises from either a two-component disc, one circumstellar and the othercircumbinary with dust masses of 0.3 and <27 M⊕,respectively, or an unrelated background object. The other twodetections we attribute to circumsecondary discs with masses of 0.04 and0.3 M⊕. We were also able to show that a circumprimarydisc is present around HD 112413 with a similar mass to that around thecompanion HD 112412. Cross-correlation of our sample with the IRAScatalogues only showed evidence for dust emission at 25 and 60 μmtoward one star (HD 1438); none of the submillimetre detections wereevident in the far-infrared data implying that these discs are cold(>40 K assuming β= 1). Our submillimetre detections are some ofthe first of dust discs surrounding evolved stars that were not detectedby IRAS or ISO and imply that 9-14 per cent of stars could harbourpreviously undetected dust discs that await discovery in unbiased sub-mmsurveys. If these discs are protoplanetary remnants, rather thansecondary debris discs, dust lifetime arguments show that they must bedevoid of small <0.1 mm grains. Thus it may be possible to determinethe origin of these discs from their spectral energy distributions. Thelow inferred dust masses for this sample support the picture thatprotoplanetary dust discs are depleted to the levels of the brightestdebris discs (~1 M⊕) within 10 Myr, although if theextended emission of HD 74067 is associated with the star, this wouldindicate that >10 M⊕ of circumbinary material canpersist until ~60 Myr and would also support the theory that T Tauridiscs in binary systems are replenished by circumbinary envelopes.

The Hamburg/RASS Catalogue of optical identifications. Northern high-galactic latitude ROSAT Bright Source Catalogue X-ray sources
We present the Hamburg/RASS Catalogue (HRC) of optical identificationsof X-ray sources at high-galactic latitude. The HRC includes all X-raysources from the ROSAT Bright Source Catalogue (RASS-BSC) with galacticlatitude |b| >=30degr and declination delta >=0degr . In thispart of the sky covering ~ 10 000 deg2 the RASS-BSC contains5341 X-ray sources. For the optical identification we used blue Schmidtprism and direct plates taken for the northern hemisphere Hamburg QuasarSurvey (HQS) which are now available in digitized form. The limitingmagnitudes are 18.5 and 20, respectively. For 82% of the selectedRASS-BSC an identification could be given. For the rest either nocounterpart was visible in the error circle or a plausibleidentification was not possible. With ~ 42% AGN represent the largestgroup of X-ray emitters, ~ 31% have a stellar counterpart, whereasgalaxies and cluster of galaxies comprise only ~ 4% and ~ 5%,respectively. In ~ 3% of the RASS-BSC sources no object was visible onour blue direct plates within 40\arcsec around the X-ray sourceposition. The catalogue is used as a source for the selection of(nearly) complete samples of the various classes of X-ray emitters.

Correlated multiwavelength emission from the X-ray-bright Seyfert galaxy III Zw 2
The X-ray-bright Seyfert 1 galaxy III Zw 2 was observed with XMM-Newtonin 2000 July. Its X-ray spectrum can be described by a power law ofphoton index Γ= 1.7 and an extremely broad (FWHM~ 140 000 kms-1) Fe Kα line at 6.44 keV. The iron line has anequivalent width of ~800 eV. To study the long-term X-ray behaviour ofthe source we have analysed 25 yr of data, from 1975 to 2000. There isno evidence of significant intrinsic absorption within the source or ofa soft X-ray excess in the XMM or archival data. We do not detect rapidX-ray variability (a few × 103 s) during any of theindividual observations; however, on longer time-scales (a few years)the X-ray light curve shows 10-fold flux variations. We infer a blackhole mass of ~109 Msolar (from Hβ FWHM) forIII Zw 2 which is much higher than some previous estimates. A comparisonof X-ray variability with light curves at other wavelengths over a 25-yrperiod reveals correlated flux variations from radio to X-raywavelengths. We interpret the variable radio to optical emission assynchrotron radiation, self-absorbed in the radio/millimetre region, andthe X-rays mainly as a result of Compton up-scattering of low-energyphotons by the population of high-energy electrons that give rise to thesynchrotron radiation.

Rotational velocities of A-type stars in the northern hemisphere. II. Measurement of v sin i
This work is the second part of the set of measurements of v sin i forA-type stars, begun by Royer et al. (\cite{Ror_02a}). Spectra of 249 B8to F2-type stars brighter than V=7 have been collected at Observatoirede Haute-Provence (OHP). Fourier transforms of several line profiles inthe range 4200-4600 Å are used to derive v sin i from thefrequency of the first zero. Statistical analysis of the sampleindicates that measurement error mainly depends on v sin i and thisrelative error of the rotational velocity is found to be about 5% onaverage. The systematic shift with respect to standard values fromSlettebak et al. (\cite{Slk_75}), previously found in the first paper,is here confirmed. Comparisons with data from the literature agree withour findings: v sin i values from Slettebak et al. are underestimatedand the relation between both scales follows a linear law ensuremath vsin inew = 1.03 v sin iold+7.7. Finally, thesedata are combined with those from the previous paper (Royer et al.\cite{Ror_02a}), together with the catalogue of Abt & Morrell(\cite{AbtMol95}). The resulting sample includes some 2150 stars withhomogenized rotational velocities. Based on observations made atObservatoire de Haute Provence (CNRS), France. Tables \ref{results} and\ref{merging} are only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/393/897

Rotational velocities of A-type stars. I. Measurement of v sin i in the southern hemisphere
Within the scope of a Key Programme determining fundamental parametersof stars observed by HIPPARCOS, spectra of 525 B8 to F2-type starsbrighter than V=8 have been collected at ESO. Fourier transforms ofseveral line profiles in the range 4200-4500 Å are used to derivev sin i from the frequency of the first zero. Statistical analysis ofthe sample indicates that measurement error is a function of v sin i andthis relative error of the rotational velocity is found to be about 6%on average. The results obtained are compared with data from theliterature. There is a systematic shift from standard values from\citet{Slk_75}, which are 10 to 12% lower than our findings. Comparisonswith other independent v sin i values tend to prove that those fromSlettebak et al. are underestimated. This effect is attributed to thepresence of binaries in the standard sample of Slettebak et al., and tothe model atmosphere they used. Based on observations made at theEuropean Southern Observatory (ESO), La Silla, Chile, in the frameworkof the Key Programme 5-004-43K. Table 4 is only available in electronicform at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( via http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/381/105

Activity in the SPB star 53 Piscium
New spectroscopic observations of the star 53 Psc are presented. Acorrelation technique has been used to derive the radial velocity curveswith a high accuracy. Four frequencies have been detected in the radialvelocity variations using four frequency analysis algorithms. Threefrequencies (1.81, 1.22 and 1.57 cd-1) are typical SPB starfrequencies, the last one being close to our detection threshold. Theyare associated to low amplitude velocities, of the order of 1-2 kms-1. So we classify 53 Psc in the SPBs class in agreementwith its position in the HR diagram. Line equivalent width and centraldepth variations are also observed. Two phenomena appear: first, asmooth variation, present in all lines with a time scale of 10 days,could be related to the stellar rotation and a magnetic field. Second,on two consecutive nights, a sudden and important increase (20%) ofequivalent widths and central depths of Hdelta and He I lines could bedue to an outburst similar to the ones present in some Be stars. Thevariation in the equivalent widths is mainly due to the increase of thecentral depth of the quoted lines. This suggests the existence of NLTEeffects due to a hot low density plasma in the upper layers of theatmosphere of 53 Psc. An additional frequency is pointed out around 0.11cd-1. The best interpretation is an SPB frequency shifted byrotation. Based on observations obtained at the Observatoire deHaute-Provence.

EXPORT: Optical photometry and polarimetry of Vega-type and pre-main sequence stars
This paper presents optical UBVRI broadband photo-polarimetry of theEXPORT sample obtained at the 2.5 m Nordic Optical Telescope. Thedatabase consists of multi-epoch photo-polarimetry of 68pre-main-sequence and main-sequence stars. An investigation of thepolarization variability indicates that 22 objects are variable at the3sigma level in our data. All these objects are pre-main sequence stars,consisting of both T Tauri and Herbig Ae/Be objects while the mainsequence, Vega type and post-T Tauri type objects are not variable. Thepolarization properties of the variable sources are mostly indicative ofthe UXOR-type behaviour; the objects show highest polarization when thebrightness is at minimum. We add seven new objects to the class of UXORvariables (BH Cep, VX Cas, DK Tau, HK Ori, LkHα 234, KK Oph and RYOri). The main reason for their discovery is the fact that our data-setis the largest in its kind, indicating that many more young UXOR-typepre-main sequence stars remain to be discovered. The set of Vega-likesystems has been investigated for the presence of intrinsicpolarization. As they lack variability, this was done using indirectmethods, and apart from the known case of BD+31o643, thefollowing stars were found to be strong candidates to exhibitpolarization due to the presence of circumstellar disks: 51 Oph,BD+31o643C, HD 58647 and HD 233517. Table A1 is onlyavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/379/564

Binary systems with post-T Tauri secondaries
The identification of post-T Tauri (pTT) stars selected throughspectroscopic criteria by Pallavicini et al. (\cite{Pallavicini92}) andby Martín et al. (1992) among the candidates belonging to visualbinary systems is revisited in the present paper by studying theirposition in the HR diagram. These stars belong to the so-called Lindroosbinary sample (Lindroos \cite{Lindroos85}), i.e. to systems withearly-type primaries and late-type companions. If these binaries arephysical and not simply optical pairs, similar ages must be found forthe early-type primary and the late-type component of each system. Theages of these systems have been derived by Lindroos in 1986, by usingcalibrations of the uvbyβ indices. In this paper, we revisit theseages through the position of these stars among new evolutionary tracksin the HR diagram for pre- and post-main sequence stars. We derive newestimations of the ages of each system component, as well as theirmasses, using parallaxes of the early-type component derived fromHipparcos data and by forcing the late-type companion to be at the samedistance. Teff and log g of the early-type components havebeen computed using the calibrations of two independent photometricsystems: the uvbyβ photometry and the Geneva system. TheTeff of the late-type stars have been determined by usingvarious calibrations of several photometric systems: uvbyβ, UBV andVRI, in order to determine the uncertainties and systematic errors onthese parameters and consequently on the ages. Differences in the agesand masses obtained by using various sources of recent evolutionarymodels are considered and discussed. The consistency of the age of thelate type component with that of its early type primary is examined; thevalidity of this criterion for a selection of physical pairs isdiscussed. The accuracy of the observational and theoretical data arenot sufficient to assign stringent values to the age for several of theexamined systems. Nevertheless, in spite of the large error bars, wehave established that we could select a number of systems which,according to their position in the HR diagram, may be physicallyassociated. The selection of possible physically bounded systemsobtained with the present approach and that made by Pallavicini et al.(\cite{Pallavicini92}) or Martín et al. (1992) on the basis ofspectroscopic criteria are not always coincident. Spectroscopiccriteria, for example the presence of a strong Li feature, are morestringent conditions than that of coherent ages of primaries andsecondaries; however the Li I 6708 doublet is expected to fade in thelatest stages of the pre-main sequence life of a star, so that the``oldest" pTTs may not be detected by spectroscopy only. The differentresults so obtained are discussed for each system and we conclude thatthe present approach may be used as a powerful criterion to select newpTT candidates in visual binaries to be observed and analyzed with highresolution spectrographs and to select candidates that have almostreached the main sequence. Partly based on data from the ESA Hipparcosastrometric satellite. Tables 2, 5, 7 and 9 are only available inelectronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/379/162

EXPORT: Spectral classification and projected rotational velocities of Vega-type and pre-main sequence stars
In this paper we present the first comprehensive results extracted fromthe spectroscopic campaigns carried out by the EXPORT (EXoPlanetaryObservational Research Team) consortium. During 1998-1999, EXPORTcarried out an intensive observational effort in the framework of theorigin and evolution of protoplanetary systems in order to obtain clueson the evolutionary path from the early stages of the pre-main sequenceto stars with planets already formed. The spectral types of 70 stars,and the projected rotational velocities, v sin i, of 45 stars, mainlyVega-type and pre-main sequence, have been determined from intermediate-and high-resolution spectroscopy, respectively. The first part of thework is of fundamental importance in order to accurately place the starsin the HR diagram and determine the evolutionary sequences; the secondpart provides information on the kinematics and dynamics of the starsand the evolution of their angular momentum. The advantage of using thesame observational configuration and methodology for all the stars isthe homogeneity of the set of parameters obtained. Results from previouswork are revised, leading in some cases to completely new determinationsof spectral types and projected rotational velocities; for some stars noprevious studies were available. Tables 1 and 2 are only, and Table 6also, available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/378/116 Based onobservations made with the Isaac Newton and the William Herscheltelescopes operated on the island of La Palma by the Isaac Newton Groupin the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Institutode Astrofísica de Canarias.

Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics
The Catalogue, available at the Centre de Données Stellaires deStrasbourg, consists of 13 573 records concerning the results obtainedfrom different methods for 7778 stars, reported in the literature. Thefollowing data are listed for each star: identifications, apparentmagnitude, spectral type, apparent diameter in arcsec, absolute radiusin solar units, method of determination, reference, remarks. Commentsand statistics obtained from CADARS are given. The Catalogue isavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcar?J/A+A/367/521

EXPORT: Near-IR observations of Vega-type and pre-main sequence stars
We present near-IR JHK photometric data of a sample of 58 main-sequence,mainly Vega-type, and pre-main sequence stars. The data were takenduring four observing runs in the period May 1998 to January 1999 andform part of a coordinated effort with simultaneous optical spectroscopyand photo-polarimetry. The near-IR colors of the MS stars correspond inmost cases to photospheric colors, although noticeable reddening ispresent towards a few objects, and these stars show no brightnessvariability within the observational errors. On the other hand, the PMSstars show near-IR excesses and variability consistent with previousdata. Tables 1 and 2 are only available in electronic form at the CDSvia anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strastg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/365/110

The ROSAT International X-ray/Optical Survey (RIXOS): source catalogue
We describe the ROSAT International X-ray/Optical Survey (RIXOS), amedium-sensitivity survey and optical identification of X-ray sourcesdiscovered in ROSAT high Galactic latitude fields (|b|>28 deg) andobserved with the Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC)detector. The survey made use of the central 17arcmin of each ROSATfield. A flux limit of3x10-14ergcm-2s-1 (0.5-2keV) wasadopted for the survey, and a minimum exposure time of 8000s wasrequired for qualifying ROSAT observations. X-ray sources in the surveyare therefore substantially above the detection threshold of each fieldused, and many contain enough counts to allow the X-ray spectral slopeto be estimated. Spectroscopic observations of potential counterpartswere obtained of all sources down to the survey limit in 64 fields,totalling a sky area of 15.77deg2. Positive opticalidentifications are made for 94per cent of the 296 sources thusexamined. A further 18 fields (4.44deg2), containing 105sources above the 3x10-14ergcm-2s-1survey limit, are completely optically identified to a higher flux of8x10-14ergcm-2s-1 (0.5-2keV). Opticalspectroscopic data are supplemented by deep CCD imaging of many sourcesto reveal the morphology of the optical counterparts, and objects toofaint to register on Sky Survey plates. The faintest opticalcounterparts have R~22. This paper describes the survey method, andpresents a catalogue of the RIXOS sources and their opticalidentifications. Finding charts based on Sky Survey data are given foreach source, supplemented by CCD imaging where necessary.

XID: Cross-Association of ROSAT/Bright Source Catalog X-Ray Sources with USNO A-2 Optical Point Sources
We quantitatively cross-associate the 18,811 ROSAT Bright Source Catalog(RASS/BSC) X-ray sources with optical sources in the USNO A-2 catalog,calculating the probability of unique association (Pid)between each candidate within 75" of the X-ray source position, on thebasis of optical magnitude and proximity. We present catalogs ofRASS/BSC sources for which Pid>98%, Pid>90%,and Pid>50%, which contain 2705, 5492, and 11,301 uniqueUSNO A-2 optical counterparts respectively down to the stated level ofsignificance. Together with identifications of objects not cataloged inUSNO A-2 due to their high surface brightness (M31, M32, ...) andoptical pairs, we produced a total of 11,803 associations to aprobability of Pid>50%. We include in this catalog a listof objects in the SIMBAD database within 10" of the USNO A-2 position,as an aid to identification and source classification. This is the firstRASS/BSC counterpart catalog which provides a probability of associationbetween each X-ray source and counterpart, quantifying the certainty ofeach individual association. The catalog is more useful than previouscatalogs which either rely on plausibility arguments for association ordo not aid in selecting a counterpart between multiple off-band sourcesin the field. Sources of high probability of association can beseparated out, to produce high-quality lists of classes (Seyfert 1/2s,QSOs, RS CVns) desired for targeted study, or for discovering newexamples of known classes (or new classes altogether) through thespectroscopic classification of securely identified but unclassifiedUSNO A-2 counterparts. Low Pid associations can be used forstatistical studies and follow-on investigation-for example, performingfollow-up spectroscopy of the many low-mass stars to search forsignatures of coronal emission, or to investigate the relationshipbetween X-ray emission and classes of sources not previouslywell-studied for their X-ray emissions (such as pulsating variablestars). We find that a fraction ~65.8% of RASS/BSC sources have anidentifiable optical counterpart, down to the magnitude limit of theUSNO A-2 catalog which could be identified by their spatial proximityand high optical brightness.

An X-ray flare from the Lindroos binary system HD 560
We report on a large X-ray flare from the Lindroos binary system HD 560during a pointed ROSAT PSPC observation. HD 560 is composed of a B9 anda G5 type star. The late-type companions in bound Lindroos binaries arePost T Tauri star (PTTS) candidates, i.e. pre-main sequence stars ontheir final approach to the main sequence. Strong (magnetic) activityis, therefore, expected for the G star, in contrast to the late-B typecomponent for which no mechanism of X-ray production is known. Thesystem is unresolved in the ROSAT image. During outburst the count ratehas changed by at least a factor of 2, and presumably more (the maximumwas not observed). The peak luminosity measured is ~ 1031erg/s, comparable to the largest values derived for flares on pre-mainsequence T Tauri stars. A two-temperature model for thermal emissionfrom a hot, optically thin plasma shows an increase of the highertemperature as a result of coronal heating during the flare. The lowertemperatures do not change during outburst.

X-ray emission from Lindroos binary systems
We present a study of the X-ray emission from binary systems extractedfrom the Lindroos catalogue (Lindroos 1986) based on the ROSAT All-Skysurvey as well as ROSAT PSPC and HRI pointings. The studied sampleconsists of visual binary systems comprised of early-type primaries andlate-type secondaries. The ages of the systems were determined byLindroos (1985) from uvbybeta photometry of the primaries. These agesrange between 33 and 135 Myr, so if the late-type secondaries arephysically bound to the early-type primaries, they could be Post-T Tauristars (PTTS). We have found strong X-ray emission from severalsecondaries. This fact together with their optical and IR data, makethem bona fide PTTS candidates. We have also detected X-ray emissionfrom several early-type primaries and, in particular, from most of thelate-B type stars. Because their HRI hardness ratios are similar tothose from resolved late-type stars, the presence of an unresolvedlate-type companion seems to be the cause of this emission.

X-ray spectra of the RIXOS source sample
We present results of an extensive study of the X-ray spectralproperties of sources detected in the RIXOS survey, which is a large,nearly complete sample of objects detected serendipitously in ROSAT PSPCfields down to a flux limit of 3x10^-14ergcm^-2s^-1 (0.5-2keV). We showthat for X-ray surveys containing sources with low count rate, such asRIXOS, spectral slopes estimated using simple hardness ratios in theROSAT band can be biased. Instead, we analyse three-colour X-ray datausing statistical techniques appropriate to the Poisson regime whichremove the effects of this bias. We also show that the use ofthree-colour data enables some discrimination between thermal andnon-thermal spectra. We have then applied this technique to the RIXOSsurvey to study the spectral properties of the sample. For the AGN wefind an average energy index of 1.05+/-0.05, with no evidence forspectral evolution with redshift. Individual AGN are shown to have arange of properties, including soft X-ray excesses and intrinsicabsorption. Narrow-emission-line galaxies (NELGs) also seem to fit to apower-law spectrum, which may indicate a non-thermal origin for theirX-ray emission. We infer that most of the clusters in the sample have abremsstrahlung temperature >3keV, although some show evidence for acooling flow. The stars deviate strongly from a power-law model but fitto a thermal model. Finally, we have analysed the whole RIXOS sample(extending the flux cut-off to the sensitivity threshold of eachindividual observation) containing 1762 sources to study therelationship between spectral slope and flux. We find that the meanspectral slope of the sources hardens at lower fluxes, in agreement withresults from other samples. However, a study of the individual sourcesdemonstrates that the majority have relatively soft spectra even atfaint flux levels, and the hardening of the mean is caused by theappearance of a population of very hard sources at the lowest fluxes.This has implications for the nature of the soft X-ray background.

Radial velocities of HIPPARCOS southern B8-F2 type stars
Radial velocities have been determined for a sample of B8-F2 type starsobserved by the Hipparcos satellite. Observations were obtained withinthe framework of an ESO key-program. Radial velocities have beenmeasured using a cross-correlation method, the templates being a grid ofsynthetic spectra. The obtained precision depends on effectivetemperature and projected rotational velocity of the star as well as ona possible asymmetry of the correlation peak generally due to secondarycomponents. New spectroscopic binaries have been detected from theseasymmetries and the variability of the measured radial velocity.Simulations of binary and triple systems have been performed. Forbinaries our results have been compared with Hipparcos binary data.Adding the variable radial velocities, the minimum binary fraction hasbeen found 60% for physical systems. Radial velocities have beendetermined for 581 B8-F2 stars, 159 being new. Taking into accountpublished radial velocities, 39% south A-type stars with V magnitudelower than 7.5 have a radial velocity. Based on observations obtained atthe European Southern Observatory (ESO, La Silla, Chile) and on datafrom the ESA Hipparcos astrometry satellite.}\fnmsep \thanks{Tables 7, 8and 9 are only available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftpto cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

Observations of BN and AN stars: New Be stars
From a survey of spectra of Bn/An stars, we have detected seven new Bestars: HR 1056 (A0Vn), 1544 (A1Vn), 2191 (A0Vnn), 2300 (B8Vn), 3134(B9.5 Vn), 3878 (B0.5 IIIn) and 4552 (B9IIIpSi). H_alpha profiles ofthese stars are presented. Measured values of equivalent widths, fullwidths at half intensity maximum, and the peak-separations of theH_alpha emission profiles are also tabulated in this paper. We have alsocomputed the radii of emission disks of the newly detected Be stars.

A catalogue of [Fe/H] determinations: 1996 edition
A fifth Edition of the Catalogue of [Fe/H] determinations is presentedherewith. It contains 5946 determinations for 3247 stars, including 751stars in 84 associations, clusters or galaxies. The literature iscomplete up to December 1995. The 700 bibliographical referencescorrespond to [Fe/H] determinations obtained from high resolutionspectroscopic observations and detailed analyses, most of them carriedout with the help of model-atmospheres. The Catalogue is made up ofthree formatted files: File 1: field stars, File 2: stars in galacticassociations and clusters, and stars in SMC, LMC, M33, File 3: numberedlist of bibliographical references The three files are only available inelectronic form at the Centre de Donnees Stellaires in Strasbourg, viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr (, or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

HIPPARCOS distances of X-ray selected stars: implications on their nature as stellar population.
We present the parallaxes, measured by Hipparcos, for a sample of X-rayselected stars. The stars belong to the stellar sample of the EinsteinExtended Medium Sensitivity Survey. They are all at galactic latitude|b|>20deg, and are generally far away from known star formingregions. Several of these stars show lithium abundance and activitylevel typical of very young stars with ages comparable to that of thePleiades. We show that the majority of our sample stars are on the mainsequence, with only =~20% being giants. We do not find a significantpresence of pre-main sequence stars in our sample, notwithstanding thefact that some of our stars have a considerable lithium abundance,showing that the stars observed are most likely young and activemain-sequence objects.

Simultaneous optical and ROSAT X-ray observations of the classical T Tauri star BP Tauri.
The classical T Tauri star BP Tauri has been simultaneously observedwith UBVRI high-speed photometry at a time resolution of 2sec and withthe ROSAT PSPC detector during five nights. BP Tauri showed brightnessvariations on time scales ranging from nights to hours both in theoptical and in the X-ray band, however, the night-to-night variations inthe optical and X-ray spectral regions were not correlated. On oneoccasion, a short term optical event with an amplitude in U of ~0.05magand a time duration of 1.2-hours occurred, with no correspondingincrease in the X-ray count rate during the decay of the event. Inconclusion, the observations show that there are no detectablecorrelations between the optical and X-ray variability of BP Tau on timescales ranging from 1-hour to days. We discuss the possibility that theoptical variability of BP Tau is related to accretion of circumstellarmaterial onto the central star, while the X-ray emission presumablycomes from magnetically active regions.

The Pulkovo Spectrophotometric Catalog of Bright Stars in the Range from 320 TO 1080 NM
A spectrophotometric catalog is presented, combining results of numerousobservations made by Pulkovo astronomers at different observing sites.The catalog consists of three parts: the first contains the data for 602stars in the spectral range of 320--735 nm with a resolution of 5 nm,the second one contains 285 stars in the spectral range of 500--1080 nmwith a resolution of 10 nm and the third one contains 278 stars combinedfrom the preceding catalogs in the spectral range of 320--1080 nm with aresolution of 10 nm. The data are presented in absolute energy unitsW/m(2) m, with a step of 2.5 nm and with an accuracy not lower than1.5--2.0%.

Intrinsic Energy Distribution in Stellar Spectra in the Wavelength Interval 320--760 NM
The intrinsic energy distributions in the interval 320--760 nm ofspectral types B5--G8 of luminosity V, F0--F5 of luminosity IV andG8--M2 of luminosity III, determined by authors, are intercompared withthe catalogue of the mean energy distribution data published bySviderskiene (1988).

On the normal energy distribution in stellar spectra: Main-sequence B stars
Not Available

The ROSAT all-sky survey catalogue of optically bright OB-type stars.
For the detailed statistical analysis of the X-ray emission of hot starswe selected all stars of spectral type O and B listed in the Yale BrightStar Catalogue and searched for them in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. Inthis paper we describe the selection and preparation of the data andpresent a compilation of the derived X-ray data for a complete sample ofbright OB stars.

The photoelectric astrolabe catalogue of Yunnan Observatory (YPAC).
The positions of 53 FK5, 70 FK5 Extension and 486 GC stars are given forthe equator and equinox J2000.0 and for the mean observation epoch ofeach star. They are determined with the photoelectric astrolabe ofYunnan Observatory. The internal mean errors in right ascension anddeclination are +/- 0.046" and +/- 0.059", respectively. The meanobservation epoch is 1989.51.

The Einstein Extended Medium-Sensitivity Survey Second Epoch: Results for the Stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1995ApJS...99..701F&db_key=AST

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Observation and Astrometry data

Right ascension:00h10m02.30s
Apparent magnitude:5.51
Distance:99.602 parsecs
Proper motion RA:30.2
Proper motion Dec:4.2
B-T magnitude:5.44
V-T magnitude:5.518

Catalogs and designations:
Proper NamesAna Paula Aparecida Werndl
Flamsteed34 Psc
HD 1989HD 560
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 597-1668-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0975-00036099
BSC 1991HR 26

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