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HD 113493



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Local kinematics of K and M giants from CORAVEL/Hipparcos/Tycho-2 data. Revisiting the concept of superclusters
The availability of the Hipparcos Catalogue has triggered many kinematicand dynamical studies of the solar neighbourhood. Nevertheless, thosestudies generally lacked the third component of the space velocities,i.e., the radial velocities. This work presents the kinematic analysisof 5952 K and 739 M giants in the solar neighbourhood which includes forthe first time radial velocity data from a large survey performed withthe CORAVEL spectrovelocimeter. It also uses proper motions from theTycho-2 catalogue, which are expected to be more accurate than theHipparcos ones. An important by-product of this study is the observedfraction of only 5.7% of spectroscopic binaries among M giants ascompared to 13.7% for K giants. After excluding the binaries for whichno center-of-mass velocity could be estimated, 5311 K and 719 M giantsremain in the final sample. The UV-plane constructed from these datafor the stars with precise parallaxes (σπ/π≤20%) reveals a rich small-scale structure, with several clumpscorresponding to the Hercules stream, the Sirius moving group, and theHyades and Pleiades superclusters. A maximum-likelihood method, based ona Bayesian approach, has been applied to the data, in order to make fulluse of all the available stars (not only those with precise parallaxes)and to derive the kinematic properties of these subgroups. Isochrones inthe Hertzsprung-Russell diagram reveal a very wide range of ages forstars belonging to these groups. These groups are most probably relatedto the dynamical perturbation by transient spiral waves (as recentlymodelled by De Simone et al. \cite{Simone2004}) rather than to clusterremnants. A possible explanation for the presence of younggroup/clusters in the same area of the UV-plane is that they have beenput there by the spiral wave associated with their formation, while thekinematics of the older stars of our sample has also been disturbed bythe same wave. The emerging picture is thus one of dynamical streamspervading the solar neighbourhood and travelling in the Galaxy withsimilar space velocities. The term dynamical stream is more appropriatethan the traditional term supercluster since it involves stars ofdifferent ages, not born at the same place nor at the same time. Theposition of those streams in the UV-plane is responsible for the vertexdeviation of 16.2o ± 5.6o for the wholesample. Our study suggests that the vertex deviation for youngerpopulations could have the same dynamical origin. The underlyingvelocity ellipsoid, extracted by the maximum-likelihood method afterremoval of the streams, is not centered on the value commonly acceptedfor the radial antisolar motion: it is centered on < U > =-2.78±1.07 km s-1. However, the full data set(including the various streams) does yield the usual value for theradial solar motion, when properly accounting for the biases inherent tothis kind of analysis (namely, < U > = -10.25±0.15 kms-1). This discrepancy clearly raises the essential questionof how to derive the solar motion in the presence of dynamicalperturbations altering the kinematics of the solar neighbourhood: doesthere exist in the solar neighbourhood a subset of stars having no netradial motion which can be used as a reference against which to measurethe solar motion?Based on observations performed at the Swiss 1m-telescope at OHP,France, and on data from the ESA Hipparcos astrometry satellite.Full Table \ref{taba1} is only available in electronic form at the CDSvia anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/430/165}

Vertical distribution of Galactic disk stars. I. Kinematics and metallicity
Nearly 400 Tycho-2 stars have been observed in a 720 square degree fieldin the direction of the North Galactic Pole with the high resolutionechelle spectrograph ELODIE. Absolute magnitudes, effectivetemperatures, gravities and metallicities have been estimated, as wellas distances and 3D velocities. Most of these stars are clump giants andspan typical distances from 200 pc to 800 pc to the galactic mid-plane.This new sample, free of any kinematical and metallicity bias, is usedto investigate the vertical distribution of disk stars. The old thindisk and thick disk populations are deconvolved from thevelocity-metallicity distribution of the sample and their parameters aredetermined. The thick disk is found to have a moderate rotational lag of-51 +/- 5 km s-1 with respect to the Sun with velocityellipsoid (sigmaU , sigmaV , sigmaW )=(63+/- 6, 39+/- 4, 39+/- 4) km s-1, mean metallicity of[Fe/H] = -0.48 +/- 0.05 and a high local normalization of 15 +/- 7%.Combining this NGP sample with a local sample of giant stars from theHipparcos catalogue, the orientation of the velocity ellipsoid isinvestigated as a function of distance to the plane and metallicity. Wefind no vertex deviation for old stars, consistent with an axisymmetricGalaxy. Paper II is devoted to the dynamical analysis of the sample,puting new constraints on the vertical force perpendicular to thegalactic plane and on the total mass density in the galactic plane.Based on observations made at the Observatoire de Haute Provence(France). Data are only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/398/141

The peculiar single giant HD 112989: rotation, activity and evolution
A spectroscopic, photometric and evolutionary study is presented for HD112989, an active peculiar giant star. The present spectroscopicobservations show a significant CaII K&H emission core variability,whereas the UBV photometry shows that HD 112989 has a variablebrightness. The rotational velocity for this star, 11.0 kms(-1) , isabout five times larger than the mean rotational velocity for giantswith the same spectral type. In addition, we have found no sign ofbinarity for this star. Based on observations collected at theObservatoire de Haute-Provence (France) and at the Bulgarian NationalAstronomical Observatory-Rozhen (Bulgaria)

Photometric Separation of Stellar Properties Using SDSS Filters
Using synthetic photometry of Kurucz model spectra, we explore thecolors of stars as a function of temperature, metallicity, and surfacegravity with Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) filters, u'g'r'i'z'. Thesynthetic colors show qualitative agreement with the few publishedobservations in these filters. We find that the locus of synthetic starsis basically two-dimensional for 4500 < T < 8000 K, whichprecludes simultaneous color separation of the three basic stellarcharacteristics we consider. Colors including u' contain the mostinformation about normal stellar properties; measurements in this filterare also important for selecting white dwarfs. We identify two differentsubsets of the locus in which the loci separate by either metallicity orsurface gravity. For 0.5 < g' - r' < 0.8 (corresponding roughly toG stars), the locus separates by metallicity; for photometric error of afew percent, we estimate metallicity to within ~0.5 dex in this range.In the range -0.15 < g' - r' < 0.00 (corresponding roughly to Astars), the locus shows separation by surface gravity. In both cases, weshow that it is advantageous to use more than two colors whendetermining stellar properties by color. Strategic observations in SDSSfilters are required to resolve the source of a ~5% discrepancy betweensynthetic colors of Gunn-Stryker stars, Kurucz models, and externaldeterminations of the metallicities and surface gravities. The syntheticstar colors can be used to investigate the properties of any normal starand to construct analytic expressions for the photometric prediction ofstellar properties in special cases.

Scattering and absorption in soft X-ray selected AGN: an optical polarization survey
We have surveyed the optical linear polarization of a completelyidentified sample of 43 bright soft-X-ray-selected ROSAT AGN. Most (40)of these AGN show low polarization (~1%), and no clear opticalreddening. This supports the suggestion from rapid X-ray variability,disk-like spectral energy distributions, and lack of cold X-rayabsorption, that we are viewing a bare AGN disk. IRASF12397+3333 andIRAS13349+2438 show high polarization increasing to the UV - clearevidence for scattering. As well as steep, soft-X-ray spectra, they showoptical reddening and rapid X-ray variability, but almost no cold X-rayabsorption - a combination that suggests dusty ionized gas along theline-of-sight. Brandt et al. suggested and found these `warm absorbers'for IRAS13349+2438. IRASF12397+3333 is a new candidate. Combining ourdata with the optical and X-ray spectra of the high polarizationnarrow-line Seyfert 1 nuclei (NLSy1s) investigated by Goodrich revealsstrong correlations among optical reddening indicators (alpha_opt andHα /Hβ ), [OIII]/Hβ_b , and cold intrinsic X-rayabsorption Delta N_H. Optical reddening underpredicts the cold X-rayabsorption, suggesting dusty warm absorbers in all the highly polarizedAGN. The existence of these scattering-polarized and reddened NLSy1ssuggests an orientation Unified Scheme within the class of NLSy1s,analogous to that linking Seyfert 1 and Seyfert 2 nuclei. For somehighly polarized and optically selected AGN we present new analysis ofarchival X-ray data, and for the highly polarized AGN new opticalspectroscopy is presented in an appendix.

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

Theoretical colours and isochrones for some Hubble Space Telescope colour systems. II
A grid of synthetic surface brightness magnitudes for 14 bandpasses ofthe Hubble Space Telescope Faint Object Camera is presented, as well asa grid of UBV, uvby, and Faint Object Camera surface brightnessmagnitudes derived from the Gunn-Stryker spectrophotometric atlas. Thesynthetic colors are used to examine the transformations between theground-based Johnson UBV and Stromgren uvby systems and the Faint ObjectCamera UBV and uvby. Two new four-color systems, similar to theStromgren system, are proposed for the determination of abundance,temperature, and surface gravity. The synthetic colors are also used tocalculate color-magnitude isochrones from the list of theoretical tracksprovided by VandenBerg and Bell (1990). It is shown that by using theappropriate filters it is possible to minimize the dependence of thiscolor difference on metallicity. The effects of interstellar reddeningon various Faint Object Camera colors are analyzed as well as theobservational requirements for obtaining data of a given signal-to-noisefor each of the 14 bandpasses.

A search for wide binaries at the north galactic pole using precise radial velocities
Precise radial velocities are presented from a survey of 247 starscentered on Selected Area 57 at the North Galactic Pole, complete forlate-type stars with V magnitude brighter than 12.0. The radialvelocities have a typical precision of 0.2-0.3 km/s. New spectral typesand distances estimates are presented for 120 of the stars in thesample. All pairs of stars with angular separations between 1 and 600arcsec have been considered, and 11 candidate pairs found with velocitydifferences less than 1.5 km/s. It is estimated that 4 or 5 of the 11candidate pairs are actually bound binaries, but none with separationslarger than 0.1 pc. The constraints imposed by these results on theactual distribution of wide binaries in the Galaxy should now bereanalyzed. The unusual precision of the velocities led to the discoveryof a new cluster associated with the multiple system ADS 8811 ABC.

Photoelectric V and (B-V) for Weistrop stars near the north Galactic pole
V and (B-V) have been obtained for 173 stars near the north Galacticpole. A comparison is made between these photoelectric values and thephotographic values obtained by Weistrop (1972). Corrections have beenderived which, when applied to (B-V)w and Vw, result in relativelysystematic error-free colors and magnitudes.

Four-color and H-beta photometry near SA 57
Stromgren uvby and H-beta photometry has been obtained for 37 stars inand near the region of SA 57, the Selected Area nearest the northgalactic pole. These stars can serve as secondary standards forphotometric work in this region. Comparisons with previous photometryshows reasonable agreement. The data are analyzed to determineinterstellar reddening, metal abundances of the F-type stars, anddistances. On the average, the stars are somewhat weak lined, comparedto the sun. The reddening is close to zero.

A kinematic and abundance survey at the Galactic poles. III
A sample of 418 space velocities are examined, including 83 new valuesobtained for G5-K6 giants near the North Galactic Pole. A constantDDO-derived Fe/H abundance gradient of about -0.18 dex/kpc is found toextend to 8 kpc. The data show a continuous increase in the velocitydispersion as the distance above the Galactic plane increases and as theDDO-derived Fe/H abundance ratio decreases to -1.00. The data suggest akinematic decoupling of the thick disk and halo stars. As in the case ofthe abundance gradient, the kinematic data are shown to be consistentwith the concept of the galactic-model components. It is noted thatgiants with solar DDO-derived abundances are found only sparsely in thethick disk.

U, V, W velocity components for the old disk using radial velocities of 1295 stars in the three cardinal Galactic directions
New radial velocities are presented for 1295 stars chosen at random nearthe three cardinal Galactic directions of l = 180 deg, b = 0; l = 90deg, b = 0 deg; and b = 90 deg, giving the distribution in U, V, and W,respectively, from the radial velocities alone. The measurements weremade with the coude spectrograph of the Mount Wilson 100 in. Hookerreflector. The purpose of the program is to set limits on the densitynormalization in the solar neighborhood of the old thin disk, the oldthick disk, and the halo. Many more high-velocity stars are present inthe unbiased sample than expected from previous estimates of thenormalization. The data suggest the density ratios in the solarneighborhood to be about 90 percent, 10 percent, and about 0.5 percentfor the thin disk, thick disk, and halo populations, respectively.

Stellar spectrophotometric atlas, wavelengths from 3130 to 10800 A
Over the course of the past 10 years, a large body of homogeneousspectrophotometric data on relatively bright stars has been gathered toserve as a library with which to synthesize galaxy spectra in populationstudies. As the data might be generally useful, they are presented inthree tables. One hundred seventy-five (175) stars were selected, mostfrom the Navy photometric catalog. Covered are complete ranges ofspectral type and luminosity class. Normalized spectral energydistributions of these stars in pictorial form are provided along withtables of calculated colors, scan line and continuum indices, and someinformation on the relation of the scan colors to real photometricsystems.

A kinematic and abundance survey at the galactic poles
The DDO intermediate band system is used to obtain detailed informationabout abundance gradients and velocity dispersions in the galaxy, withan emphasis on the properties of halo stars in the range of from 1 to 5kpc. The DDO abundance index is calibrated agianst (Fe/H) for metal-poorstars, with a resulting gradient of about -0.2 per kpc. However, whenthe sample is divided into two subsamples with (Fe/H) less than -0.5 andequal to or greater than -0.5, the gradients are -0.14 and 0.00,respectively. DDO observations of about 1000 stars, mostly G5-K5 giants,show that the velocity dispersion increases both with decrease inmetallicity and increase in z distance. The abundances found for high-zstars are similar to the A-star results of Rodgers (1971) in that abouthalf the K giants above 1 kpc appear to have solar abundances.

Photoelectric Magnitudes and Colors of Stars Near the North Galactic Pole.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1964ApJ...140..151H&db_key=AST

Photographic photometry at the North galactic Pole.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1956AJ.....61...80S&db_key=AST

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Osservazione e dati astrometrici

Costellazione:Chioma di Berenice
Ascensione retta:13h03m49.06s
Magnitudine apparente:7.351
Distanza:231.481 parsec
Moto proprio RA:28.7
Moto proprio Dec:-26.9
B-T magnitude:8.688
V-T magnitude:7.462

Cataloghi e designazioni:
Nomi esatti
HD 1989HD 113493
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 2532-266-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1200-07004854
HIPHIP 63741

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