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HD 116458



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The diagnosis of the mean quadratic magnetic field of Ap stars
Aims.We assess the validity of the method of determination of the meanquadratic field modulus and we explore its limits. Methods.Weanalyse high spectral resolution, high signal-to-noise spectra of a fewAp stars, and of a superficially normal main-sequence A star, recordedover a broad wavelength range with EMMI at the NTT.Results.Weintroduce a revised form of the regression equation describing thedependence of the second-order moment of the line profiles about theircentre, in natural light, on various parameters of the correspondingtransitions. We show that interpretation of the observed dependencesallows one to determine the mean quadratic magnetic field modulus of thestudied stars, and their v sin i. We explain why the contributions tothe quadratic field of the mean square magnetic field modulus and of themean square longitudinal field cannot in general be disentangled. Forthose stars of the sample that have resolved magnetically split lines,we show that the derived values of the quadratic field are mostlyconsistent with the values of the mean longitudinal magnetic field andof the mean magnetic field modulus at the observed phase. However thereare some hints that they may occasionally slightly underestimate theactual field. This suggests that the method is unlikely to yieldspurious field detections. In addition, we illustrate the importance forthis type of analyses of using, as far as possible, samples of lines ofa single ion, and to specify in the presentation of the results whichion was used.Conclusions.The results presented in this paper lendstrong support to the validity of the quadratic field diagnostic methodto obtain a realistic quantitative characterisation of the magneticfields Ap and related stars.

Magnetic field models for HD 116458 and HD 126515
We have modeled the magnetic fields of the slowly rotating stars HD116458 and HD 126515 using the “magnetic charge” technique.HD 116458 has a small angle between its rotation axis and dipole axis(β = 12°), whereas this angle is large for HD 126515 (β =86°). Both stars can be described with a decentered-dipole model,with the respective displacements being r = 0.07 and r = 0.24 in unitsof the stellar radius. The decentered-dipole model is able tosatisfactorily explain the phase relations for the effective field, Be(P), and the mean surface field, B s(P), for both stars, along with thefact that the B e(P) phase relation for HD 126515 is anharmonic. Wediscuss the role of systematic measurement errors possibly resultingfrom instrumental or methodical effects in one or both of the phaserelations. The displacement of the dipole probably reflects realasymmetry of the stellar field structure, and is not due to measurementerrors. Using both phase relations, B e(P) and B s(P), in the modelingconsiderably reduces the influence of the nonuniform distribution ofchemical elements on the stellar surface.

Model of the Magnetic Field of HD 187474
A model is constructed for the magnetic field of the star HD 187474,which has a very long axial rotation period P = 2345d. It turns out thatthe structure of the magnetic field is best described by a model of adisplaced (Δα = 0.1) dipole inclined to the axis of rotationby an angle β = 24°. The star is inclined to the line of sightby an angle i = 86°. Because of the displaced dipole the magnitudeof the magnetic field differs at the poles: Bp = +6300 and 11600 G. AMercator map of the distribution of the magnetic field over the surfaceis obtained. The 7 slowly rotating CP stars studied thus far have anaverage angle β = 62°, which equals the average value for arandom orientation of dipoles.

Astrometric orbits of SB^9 stars
Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data (IAD) have been used to deriveastrometric orbital elements for spectroscopic binaries from the newlyreleased Ninth Catalogue of Spectroscopic Binary Orbits(SB^9). This endeavour is justified by the fact that (i) theastrometric orbital motion is often difficult to detect without theprior knowledge of the spectroscopic orbital elements, and (ii) suchknowledge was not available at the time of the construction of theHipparcos Catalogue for the spectroscopic binaries which were recentlyadded to the SB^9 catalogue. Among the 1374 binaries fromSB^9 which have an HIP entry (excluding binaries with visualcompanions, or DMSA/C in the Double and Multiple Stars Annex), 282 havedetectable orbital astrometric motion (at the 5% significance level).Among those, only 70 have astrometric orbital elements that are reliablydetermined (according to specific statistical tests), and for the firsttime for 20 systems. This represents a 8.5% increase of the number ofastrometric systems with known orbital elements (The Double and MultipleSystems Annex contains 235 of those DMSA/O systems). The detection ofthe astrometric orbital motion when the Hipparcos IAD are supplementedby the spectroscopic orbital elements is close to 100% for binaries withonly one visible component, provided that the period is in the 50-1000 drange and the parallax is >5 mas. This result is an interestingtestbed to guide the choice of algorithms and statistical tests to beused in the search for astrometric binaries during the forthcoming ESAGaia mission. Finally, orbital inclinations provided by the presentanalysis have been used to derive several astrophysical quantities. Forinstance, 29 among the 70 systems with reliable astrometric orbitalelements involve main sequence stars for which the companion mass couldbe derived. Some interesting conclusions may be drawn from this new setof stellar masses, like the enigmatic nature of the companion to theHyades F dwarf HIP 20935. This system has a mass ratio of 0.98 but thecompanion remains elusive.

Chemical composition of the magnetic B star HR 5049
A spectrum synthesis analysis for photospheric lines in the magnetic Bstar HR 5049 is presented, based on a high quality spectrogram obtainedwith the EMMI spectrograph attached to the NTT at ESO. It is found thatlight elements such as He, C and O are under-abundant. One of the mostnotable features is the deficiency of He by more than -2.0 dex. Co andCl are over-abundant by +3.5 dex and +1.9 dex, respectively. Other ironpeak elements are over-abundant ranging from +0.47 dex (Ti II) to +1.94dex (Cr I). For rare earth elements, the lines of once-ionized speciesare generally weak, while the third spectra (especially those of Pr andNd) are very prominent. Although rare earth elements show significantover-abundances ranging from +3.0 dex to as large as +4.0 dex, Ba hasthe solar abundance. The Nd-Pr abundance difference, which shows anapparent decreasing trend with increasing effective temperature among CPstars, is found to be unusually small in HR 5049.Based on observations collected at the La Silla Observatory, ESO (Chile)with the New Technology Telescope (NTT).The full Table 2 is only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/420/673

Abundance Analysis of the Silicon Star HR 6958
The elemental composition of the chemically peculiar star HR6958 hasbeen studied with emphasis on doubly ionized rare earths. A visualregion spectrum taken with the ELODIE spectrograph at the Haute-ProvenceObservatory was analyzed. A total of 40 elements including Pr III , Nd III , Tb III , Dy III , Ho III , and Er III were identified andtheir abundances computed. He is deficient by over 1dex with respect tothe Sun; the light elements (C-Ca), except for Si, have solarabundances; the iron group elements (Sc-Fe) are overabundant by 1 dex to2dex, with Ti and Cr highly overabundant; and the lanthanide rare earthsare overabundant by 3dex to 4dex. This abundance pattern with Hedeficient, Si, Ti, Cr, Sr, and Pr overabundant indicates that HR6958 isa member of Si stars.

Catalogue of averaged stellar effective magnetic fields. I. Chemically peculiar A and B type stars
This paper presents the catalogue and the method of determination ofaveraged quadratic effective magnetic fields < B_e > for 596 mainsequence and giant stars. The catalogue is based on measurements of thestellar effective (or mean longitudinal) magnetic field strengths B_e,which were compiled from the existing literature.We analysed the properties of 352 chemically peculiar A and B stars inthe catalogue, including Am, ApSi, He-weak, He-rich, HgMn, ApSrCrEu, andall ApSr type stars. We have found that the number distribution of allchemically peculiar (CP) stars vs. averaged magnetic field strength isdescribed by a decreasing exponential function. Relations of this typehold also for stars of all the analysed subclasses of chemicalpeculiarity. The exponential form of the above distribution function canbreak down below about 100 G, the latter value representingapproximately the resolution of our analysis for A type stars.Table A.1 and its references are only available in electronic form atthe CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/407/631 and Tables 3 to 9are only available in electronic form at http://www.edpsciences.org

New periodic variables from the Hipparcos epoch photometry
Two selection statistics are used to extract new candidate periodicvariables from the epoch photometry of the Hipparcos catalogue. Theprimary selection criterion is a signal-to-noise ratio. The dependenceof this statistic on the number of observations is calibrated usingabout 30000 randomly permuted Hipparcos data sets. A significance levelof 0.1 per cent is used to extract a first batch of candidate variables.The second criterion requires that the optimal frequency be unaffectedif the data are de-trended by low-order polynomials. We find 2675 newcandidate periodic variables, of which the majority (2082) are from theHipparcos`unsolved' variables. Potential problems with theinterpretation of the data (e.g. aliasing) are discussed.

A statistical analysis of the magnetic structure of CP stars
We present the results of a statistical study of the magnetic structureof upper main sequence chemically peculiar stars. We have modelled asample of 34 stars, assuming that the magnetic morphology is describedby the superposition of a dipole and a quadrupole field, arbitrarilyoriented. In order to interpret the modelling results, we haveintroduced a novel set of angles that provides one with a convenient wayto represent the mutual orientation of the quadrupolar component, thedipolar component, and the rotation axis. Some of our results aresimilar to what has already been found in previous studies, e.g., thatthe inclination of the dipole axis to the rotation axis is usually largefor short-period stars and small for long-period ones - see Landstreet& Mathys (\cite{Landstreet2000}). We also found that forshort-period stars (approximately P<10 days) the plane containing thetwo unit vectors that characterise the quadrupole is almost coincidentwith the plane containing the stellar rotation axis and the dipole axis.Long-period stars seem to be preferentially characterised by aquadrupole orientation such that the planes just mentioned areperpendicular. There is also some loose indication of a continuoustransition between the two classes of stars with increasing rotationalperiod.

Magnetic AP Stars in the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
The evolutionary state of magnetic Ap stars is rediscussed using therecently released Hipparcos data. The distribution of the magnetic Apstars of mass below 3 Msolar in the H-R diagram differs fromthat of the normal stars in the same temperature range at a high levelof significance. Magnetic stars are concentrated toward the center ofthe main-sequence band. This is shown in two forms of the H-R diagram:one where logL is plotted against logTeff and a version moredirectly tied to the observed quantities, showing the astrometry-basedluminosity (Arenou & Luri) against the (B2-G)0 index ofGeneva photometry. In particular, it is found that magnetic fieldsappear only in stars that have already completed at least approximately30% of their main-sequence lifetime. No clear picture emerges as to thepossible evolution of the magnetic field across the main sequence. Hintsof some (loose) relations between magnetic field strength and otherstellar parameters are found: stars with shorter periods tend to havestronger fields, as do higher temperature and higher mass stars. Amarginal trend of the magnetic flux to be lower in more slowly rotatingstars may possibly be seen as suggesting a dynamo origin for the field.No correlation between the rotation period and the fraction of themain-sequence lifetime completed is observed, indicating that the slowrotation in these stars must already have been achieved before theybecame observably magnetic. Based on data from the ESA Hipparcossatellite and on observations collected at the European SouthernObservatory (La Silla, Chile; ESO programs Nos. 43.7-004, 44.7-012,49.7-030, 50.7-067, 51.7-041, 52.7-063, 53.7-028, 54.E-0416, and55.E-0751), at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence (Saint-Michell'Observatoire, France), at Kitt Peak National Observatory, and at theCanada-France-Hawaii Telescope.

Magnetic models of slowly rotating magnetic Ap stars: aligned magnetic and rotation axes
As a result of major surveys carried out during the past decade byMathys and collaborators, we now have measurements with full phasecoverage of several magnetic field moments, including the meanlongitudinal field B_l, the mean field modulus B_s, and in most casesthe mean quadratic field B_mq and mean crossover field B_xover, for asample of 24 chemically peculiar magnetic (Ap) stars. This represents anincrease of a factor of order five in the stellar sample with data ofthis quality, compared to the situation a decade ago. We exploit thisdataset to derive general and statistical properties of the stars in thesample, as follows. First, we fit the available field momentobservations assuming a simple, axisymmetric multipole magnetic fieldexpansion (with dipole, quadrupole, and octupole components) over eachstellar surface. We show that this representation, though not exact,gives an adequate description of the available data for all the stars inthis sample, although the fit parameters are in many cases not unique.We find that many of the stars require an important quadrupole and/oroctupole field component to satisfy the observations, and that some(usually small) deviations from our assumed axisymmetric fielddistributions are certainly present. We examine the inclination i (0<= i <= 90o) of the rotation axis to the line of sightand the obliquity beta (0 <= beta <= 90o) of themagnetic field with respect to the rotation axis, and show that thestars with periods of the order of a month or longer have systematicallysmall values of beta : slowly rotating magnetic stars generally havetheir magnetic and rotation axes aligned to within about 20o,unlike the short period magnetic Ap stars, in which beta is usuallylarge. This is a qualitatively new result, and one which is veryimportant for efforts to understand the evolution of magnetic fields andangular momentum in the magnetic Ap stars.

A spectroscopic study of the magnetic CP-star HR 1094
The chemically peculiar star HR 1094 has beeninvestigated with respect to its chemical composition and the magneticinfluence on its stellar spectrum. By using spectral lines slightlyaffected by the field v sin i was determined to be <= 17 kms-1. The iron-group elements as well as chlorine and theheavy elements platinum, gold and mercury show an overabundance comparedto the sun. The analysis also revealed the rare earth elements to bepresent from lines of their second and third spectrum. Based onobservations obtained with the Nordic Optical Telescope, operated on theisland of La Palma jointly by Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, andSweden, in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of theInstituto de Astrofísica de Canarias.

On the cobalt abundances of early-type stars
Photographic region high-dispersion high signal-to-noise spectra of Aand F main sequence band stars which exhibit modest rotation show Co Ilines. In the hottest of these stars, we also found weak Co II lineswhose abundances are consistent with those from Co I lines. As a classthe Am stars have cobalt abundances which are greater than solar whilethe normal stars have solar values.

Do the physical properties of Ap binaries depend on their orbital elements?
We reveal sufficient evidence that the physical characteristics of Apstars are related to binarity. The Ap star peculiarity [represented bythe Δ(V1-G) value and magnetic field strength] diminishes witheccentricity, and it may also increase with orbital period(Porb). This pattern, however, does not hold for largeorbital periods. A striking gap that occurs in the orbital perioddistribution of Ap binaries at 160-600d might well mark a discontinuityin the above-mentioned behaviour. There is also an interestingindication that the Ap star eccentricities are relatively lower thanthose of corresponding B9-A2 normal binaries for Porb>10d.All this gives serious support to the pioneering idea of Abt &Snowden concerning a possible interplay between the magnetism of Apstars and their binarity. Nevertheless, we argue instead in favour ofanother mechanism, namely that it is binarity that affects magnetism andnot the opposite, and suggest the presence of a newmagnetohydrodynamical mechanism induced by the stellar companion andstretching to surprisingly large Porb.

Spectroscopic Analysis of the Cobalt Peculiar Star HR 5049 in the Red Spectral Region
A detailed LTE analysis of metallic lines in the red spectral region(between lambda 5700 Angstroms and lambda 6700 Angstroms) was carriedout for the B-type peculiar star HR 5049. The abundances of 5 elementsfrom 8 ions were determined. This star exhibits unusually strong linesof Co I and Co II, and this element is found to be overabundant by asmuch as 4.0 dex compared to the solar abundance. Weak Cl I lines havebeen detected in the observed region, and Cl was estimated to beoverabundant by 3.0 dex. The abundances of Si, Cr, and Fe are alsostrongly enhanced. Although lines of Pr III were found to vary with thephase in the rotation period of the star, other elements were found notto vary. From its observed abundance-pattern, HR 5049 is suggested to bea member of a rare group of CP stars which are characterized byenhancements of chlorine and cobalt, as in HR 1094.

On the near infrared variability of chemically peculiar stars
Some CP stars have recently been discovered by Catalano et al. to bevariable also in the near infrared, although with smaller amplitudesthan in the visible. Hence an observational campaign was started inwhich the infrared light variability of a number of CP2 and CP4 starshas been investigated at the ESO-La Silla Observatory in the bands J, H,and K. As a general result, infrared variations show the same behaviorin all three filters but amplitudes are smaller than in the visible.

On the HIPPARCOS photometry of chemically peculiar B, A, and F stars
The Hipparcos photometry of the Chemically Peculiar main sequence B, A,and F stars is examined for variability. Some non-magnetic CP stars,Mercury-Manganese and metallic-line stars, which according to canonicalwisdom should not be variable, may be variable and are identified forfurther study. Some potentially important magnetic CP stars are noted.Tables 1, 2, and 3 are available only in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

Near infrared light variations of CP stars. The SiSrCrEu stars
Twelve magnetic Chemically Peculiar (CP2) stars of the SiSrCrEu subgroupmostly brighter than the 7.5 visual magnitude have been investigated inthe infrared at 1.25, 1.6 and 2.2 mu . The stars HD 74521, HD 90044, HD119419, HD 125630, and HD 187473 are clearly variable in the nearinfrared with the same period as the visible light, spectrum, andmagnetic field variations. The stars HD 10783, HD 12447, HD 116458, HD147010, HD 166469, HD 170397, and HD 223640 do show a smaller amount ofvariability, although with quite large a dispersion of the data. Aremarkable result of the present investigation is that, at least for thestars for which contemporaneous observations are available, the observedinfrared variations appear to be in phase with the variations in thelong wavelength part of the visible. This may be an indication that themechanism of the infrared variations should be the same as for thevisible. Based on observations collected at the European SouthernObservatory, La Silla, Chile.

The observed periods of AP and BP stars
A catalogue of all the periods up to now proposed for the variations ofCP2, CP3, and CP4 stars is presented. The main identifiers (HD and HR),the proper name, the variable-star name, and the spectral type andpeculiarity are given for each star as far as the coordinates at 2000.0and the visual magnitude. The nature of the observed variations (light,spectrum, magnetic field, etc.) is presented in a codified way. Thecatalogue is arranged in three tables: the bulk of the data, i.e. thosereferring to CP2, CP3, and CP4 stars, are given in Table 1, while thedata concerning He-strong stars are given in Table 2 and those foreclipsing or ellipsoidal variables are collected in Table 3. Notes arealso provided at the end of each table, mainly about duplicities. Thecatalogue contains data on 364 CP stars and is updated to 1996, October31. This research has made use of the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS,Strasbourg, France.

Do SI stars undergo any rotational braking?
The old question of rotational braking of Ap Si stars is revisited onthe empirical side, taking advantage of the recent Hipparcos results.Field stars with various evolutionary states are considered, and it isshown that the loose correlation between their rotational period andtheir surface gravity is entirely compatible with conservation ofangular momentum. No evidence is found for any loss of angular momentumon the Main Sequence, which confirms earlier results based on lessreliable estimates of surface gravity. The importance of reliable,fundamental T_eff determinations of Bp and Ap stars is emphasized. Basedon data from the ESA Hipparcos satellite

Spectropolarimetry of magnetic stars. VI. Longitudinal field, crossover and quadratic field: New measurements
New determinations of the mean longitudinal magnetic field, of thecrossover, and of the mean quadratic magnetic field of Ap stars arepresented. They are based on spectra recorded simultaneously in bothcircular polarizations at ESO with the CASPEC spectrograph fed by the3.6 m telescope. This paper discusses 95 observations of 44 stars. Amajor result of this study is the discovery that HD 137509 has apredominantly quadrupolar magnetic field, a strucuture previously foundin only a couple of stars. Improvement or revision of the determinationof the rotation period has been achieved for 3 stars. The stars studiedin this work include 14 rapidly oscillating Ap stars (for 6 of which noprevious attempt to detect a magnetic field had ever been made) and 21Ap stars with spectral lines resolved into their magnetically splitcomponents when observed at high enough dispersion in unpolarized light(for 9 of these stars, no determination of the longitudinal field hadbeen performed before). The observations discussed in this paper havebeen performed between 1989 and 1994, a period during which CASPEC andits Zeeman analyzer have progressively undergone various configurationchanges. The results reported here demonstrate that the polarimetricperformance of the instrument has remained unaltered through thesemodifications. Thanks to the latter, the achieved resolving power wasincreased, which resulted in improved magnetic measurement accuracies.Based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory (LaSilla, Chile; ESO programmes Nos. 47.7-045 and 49.7-029).

The mean magnetic field modulus of AP stars
We present new measurements of the mean magnetic field modulus of asample of Ap stars with spectral lines resolved into magnetically splitcomponents. We report the discovery of 16 new stars having thisproperty. This brings the total number of such stars known to 42. Wehave performed more than 750 measurements of the mean field modulus of40 of these 42 stars, between May 1988 and August 1995. The best of themhave an estimated accuracy of 25 - 30 G. The availability of such alarge number of measurements allows us to discuss for the first time thedistribution of the field modulus intensities. A most intriguing resultis the apparent existence of a sharp cutoff at the low end of thisdistribution, since no star with a field modulus (averaged over therotation period) smaller than 2.8 kG has been found in this study. Formore than one third of the studied stars, enough field determinationswell distributed throughout the stellar rotation cycle have beenachieved to allow us to characterize at least to some extent thevariations of the field modulus. These variations are oftensignificantly anharmonic, and it is not unusual for their extrema not tocoincide in phase with the extrema of the longitudinal field (for thefew stars for which enough data exist about the latter). This, togetherwith considerations on the distribution of the relative amplitude ofvariation of the studied stars, supports the recently emerging evidencefor markedly non-dipolar geometry and fine structure of the magneticfields of most Ap stars. New or improved determinations of the rotationperiods of 9 Ap stars have been achieved from the analysis of thevariations of their mean magnetic field modulus. Tentative values of theperiod have been derived for 5 additional stars, and lower limits havebeen established for 10 stars. The shortest definite rotation period ofan Ap star with magnetically resolved lines is 3.4 deg, while thosestars that rotate slowest appear to have periods in excess of 70 or 75years. As a result of this study, the number of known Ap stars withrotation periods longer than 30 days is almost doubled. We brieflyrediscuss the slow-rotation tail of the period distribution of Ap stars.This study also yielded the discovery of radial velocity variations in 8stars. There seems to be a deficiency of binaries with short orbitalperiods among Ap stars with magnetically resolved lines. Based onobservations collected at the European Southern Observatory (La Silla,Chile; ESO programmes Nos. 43.7-004, 44.7-012, 49.7-030, 50.7-067,51.7-041, 52.7-063, 53.7-028, 54.E-0416, and 55.E-0751), at theObservatoire de Haute-Provence (Saint-Michel-l'Observatoire, France), atKitt Peak National Observatory, and at the Canada-France-HawaiiTelescope. Tables 2, 3, and 4 are also available in electronic form atthe CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html.

Abundance analysis of roAp stars. II. HD 203932
A new tool to simplify abundance analyses which is based on stand-aloneprograms has been applied to the rapidly oscillating Ap star HD 203932(BI Mic, CD -30 18600, SAO 212996; Ap(SrEu), V=8.82mag). Thespectroscopically determined T_eff_=7450+/-100K and logg=4.3+/-0.15 putthis star close to the ZAMS. Other fundamental atmospheric parametersare v_micro_<0.6km/s and the total abundance of all iron peakelements [M/H]=0.0+/-0.1. The fundamental parameters put HD 203932 in aregion of the HR-diagram where convection starts becoming efficient andthe standard mixing length theory models lead to severe problems in thedetermination of the atmospheric parameters. The difference between theupper limit for logg obtained from several variants of the mixing lengththeory and the Canuto-Mazzitelli model indicates that the choice of aparticular convection model can influence the determination of basicstellar parameters. For the first time abundances were determined for HD203932 showing a pattern for the 35 investigated elements which issimilar to α Cir (Kupka et al. 1996A&A...308..886K, Paper I).Fe and Ni have about solar abundance, Cr and especially Co are clearlyoverabundant as well as rare earth elements. The most underabundantelement is Sc, followed by C, N, and O, which is a common property ofCP2 stars. The lack of a correlation in our data between individual lineabundances and their effective Lande factors implies a mean magneticfield modulus not exceeding few kG. Compared to the last homogeneousspectroscopic investigation of a large sample of chemically peculiarstars (21 cool Ap stars, Adelman 1973ApJ...183...95A), our analysis isbased on data with higher spectral resolution and signal-to-noise ratio.Even more important, we are using a much larger atomic line data basewith more precise atomic parameters than available more than twentyyears ago.

Radial velocities and axial rotation for a sample of chemically peculiar stars.
As part of a systematic project we have determined radial velocities andprojected rotational velocities for a sample of 186 chemically peculiarstars which have been observed by the Hipparcos' satellite. The purposeis to provide necessary data to study the space velocities of peculiarstars.

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

Spectropolarimetry of magnetic stars. V. The mean quadratic magnetic field.
Systematic determinations of the mean quadratic magnetic field of Apstars have been performed for the first time. The mean quadraticmagnetic field (or, in short, the quadratic field) is the square root ofthe sum of the mean square magnetic field modulus and of the mean squarelongitudinal magnetic field. The latter are averages over the visiblestellar disk of the square of, respectively, the modulus of the magneticfield and its component along the line of sight. These averages areweighted by the local emergent line intensities. The quadratic field isdiagnosed from the study of the magnetic broadening of the stellarspectral lines as observed in unpolarized light, through thecharacterization of the widths of the lines by the second-order momentsof their profiles (in the Stokes parameter I) about their centre. Thetheoretical basis of the interpretation of these moments in terms ofmagnetic field and the strategy followed in the analysis are presented.It is shown that this analysis yields, as a by-product, the projectedequatorial velocity v_e_sini of the studied stars. Observations of asample of 29 stars are analyzed. For 22 of them, meaningful values orupper limits of the quadratic field can be determined. The lower limitof detection of the quadratic fields, set by the spectral resolution ofthe observations, is of the order of 5 kG. The observed quadratic fieldsrange from this value up to 37 kG, in the star HD 137509. The magneticfield of this star is likely the second strongest known field in Apstars. Quadratic field values derived for stars where resolvedmagnetically split lines are observed in higher-dispersion spectra areconsistent with the values of the mean field modulus measured in thosestars from the line splitting. For the stars of the sample repeatedlyobserved through their rotation cycle, the variations of the quadraticfield are well represented by a cosine with the rotation frequency ofthe star, or by the superposition of such a cosine and of a cosine withtwice that frequency. However, it appears that it is essential to have alarge number of observations distributed sufficiently uniformly andsufficiently densely over the rotation phases to determine unambiguouslythe shape of the variations. The extrema of the quadratic field tend tooccur at phases close to those of the extrema of the longitudinal field,but in some stars, the two quantities definitely vary out of phase. Theratio between the maximum and the minimum of the quadratic field isalways smaller than 1.7.

Spectropolarimetry of magnetic stars. IV. The crossover effect.
This paper is devoted to the study of the crossover effect in magneticAp stars. It is shown that this effect can be measured by the secondorder moment about their centre of the profiles of spectral linesrecorded in the Stokes parameter V. The interpretation of thesemeasurements in terms of magnetic field is developed. It is shown thatone can derive from them a quantity called the mean asymmetry of thelongitudinal magnetic field, which is the first moment of the componentof the magnetic field along the line of sight, about the plane definedby the line of sight and the stellar rotation axis. The consistency ofthe determination of this quantity with that of the mean longitudinalmagnetic field from measurements of wavelength shifts of lines betweenright and left circular polarization is demonstrated. This technique ofanalysis is applied to observations of a sample of 29 stars, among which10 have a detectable crossover effect. For 8 of them, the availableobservational data allow the study of the variations of the asymmetry ofthe longitudinal field with rotation phase. In most cases, thisvariation is sinusoidal and essentially symmetric about 0, and it occursin quadrature with the variation of the mean longitudinal field. A morecomplex behaviour is definitely observed in HD 147010 and HD 175362,where the variation of the asymmetry of the longitudinal field is betterrepresented by the superposition of two sinusoids, one with the rotationfrequency of the star, and the other with twice that frequency.

A new list of effective temperatures of chemically peculiar stars. II.
Not Available

Some problems of non-reversive CP stars. I. Spatial distribution.
Not Available

Spectropolarimetry of magnetic stars. III. Measurement uncertainties.
The estimation of the uncertainties affecting the determination ofvarious parameters characterizing spectral line profiles recorded inStokes I and V that are used in the diagnosis of stellar magnetic fieldsthrough the moment technique is described. Simple statisticalconsiderations are presented, to demonstrate that the errors areproperly assessed and to illustrate how their evaluation can beexploited to derive information about the physical properties of thestudied stars. It is shown that taking these uncertainties properly intoaccount allows one to achieve better determination of the meanlongitudinal magnetic field. Improved values of the latter are derivedfor observations already analysed in earlier work. The approach sketchedin this paper is intended as a basis for future studies of magneticfields of Ap stars.

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Membro dei seguenti gruppi:

Osservazione e dati astrometrici

Ascensione retta:13h25m50.10s
Magnitudine apparente:5.67
Distanza:142.248 parsec
Moto proprio RA:-55.2
Moto proprio Dec:0.4
B-T magnitude:5.623
V-T magnitude:5.647

Cataloghi e designazioni:
Nomi esatti
HD 1989HD 116458
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 9246-1665-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0150-11678786
BSC 1991HR 5049
HIPHIP 65522

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