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HD 181555



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Fundamental parameters of Be stars located in the seismology fields of COROT
In preparation for the COROT space mission, we determined thefundamental parameters (spectral type, temperature, gravity, V sin i) ofthe Be stars observable by COROT in its seismology fields (64 Be stars).We applied a careful and detailed modeling of the stellar spectra,taking into account the veiling caused by the envelope, as well as thegravitational darkening and stellar flattening due to rapid rotation.Evolutionary tracks for fast rotators were used to derive stellar massesand ages. The derived parameters will be used to select Be stars assecondary targets (i.e. observed for 5 consecutive months) and short-runtargets of the COROT mission. Furthermore, we note that the main part ofour stellar sample falls in the second half of the main sequence lifetime, and that in most cases the luminosity class of Be stars isinaccurate in characterizing their evolutionary status.

High precision determination of the atmospheric parameters and abundances of the COROT main targets
Context: .One of the main goals of the COROT mission is to get precisephotometric observations of selected bright stars in order to allow themodelling of their interior through asteroseismology. However, in orderto interpret the asteroseismological data, the effective temperature,surface gravity, and chemical composition of the stars must be knownwith sufficient accuracy.Aims.To carry out this task, we have developeda spectroscopic method called APASS (Atmospheric Parameters andAbundances from Synthetic Spectra) which allows precise analysis ofstars with a moderate to high rotational velocity, which is the case formost primary COROT targets.Methods.Our method is based on syntheticspectra in which individual lines are replaced by analysis units(isolated lines or line blends, depending on the crowding of thespectral region and on the rotational broadening). It worksdifferentially with respect to the Sun and allows the atmosphericparameters and chemical abundances to be determined by consideringanalysis units with different sensitivities to these variousparameters.Results.Using high signal-to-noise spectra and the APASSmethod, we determined the atmospheric parameters and chemical abundancesof 13 primary COROT targets. Our results agree well with those obtainedby Bruntt using his software VWA and with those obtained with thesoftware TEMPLOGG. However, in both cases, our error bars aresignificantly smaller than those of other methods. Our effectivetemperatures are also in excellent agreement with those obtained withthe IR photometry method. For five stars with relatively low rotationalvelocity, we also performed an analysis with a classicalequivalent-width method to test agreement with APASS results. We showthat equivalent-width measurements by Gaussian or Voigt profile-fittingare sensitive to the rotational broadening, leading to systematic errorswhenever the projected rotation velocity is non-negligible. The APASSmethod appears superior in all cases and should thus be preferred.

Preparing the COROT Space Mission: New Variable Stars in the Galactic Anticenter Direction
The activities related to the preparation of the asteroseismic,photometric space mission COROT are described. Photoelectricobservations, wide-field CCD photometry, uvbyβ calibrations, andfurther time series have been obtained at different observatories andtelescopes. They have been planned to complete the COROT program in thedirection of the Galactic anticenter. In addition to suitableasteroseismic targets covering the different evolutionary stages betweenzero-age main sequence and terminal-age main sequence, we discoveredseveral other variable stars, both pulsating and geometric. We comparedresults on the incidence of variability in the Galactic center andanticenter directions. Physical parameters have been obtained, andevolutionary tracks fitting them have been calculated. The peculiaritiesof some individual stars are pointed out.Based on observations collected at the San Pedro Martír, SierraNevada, Teide, La Silla, Haute-Provence, and Roque de Los Muchachos(Telescopio Nazionale Galileo and Mercator telescopes) observatories.

Preparing the COROT space mission: Incidence and characterisation of pulsation in the lower instability strip
By pursuing the goal to find new variables in the COROT field-of-view wecharacterised a sample of stars located in the lower part of theinstability strip. Our sample is composed of stars belonging to the diskpopulation in the solar neighbourhood. We found that 23% of the starsdisplay multiperiodic light variability up to a few mmag in amplitude,i.e., easily detectable on a single night of photometry. uvbybetaphotometry fixed most of the variables in the middle of the instabilitystrip and high-resolution spectroscopy established that they have vsin i>100 km s-1. An analysis of the Rodríguez &Breger (\cite{Rodr01}) sample (delta Sct stars in the whole Galaxy)shows slightly different features, i.e., most delta Sct stars have a0.05-mag redder (b-y)0 index and lower vsin i values.Additional investigation in the open cluster NGC 6633 confirms the sameincidence of variability, i.e., around 20%. The wide variety ofpulsational behaviours of delta Sct stars (including unusual objectssuch as a variable beyond the blue edge or a rapidly rotatinghigh-amplitude pulsator) makes them very powerful asteroseismic tools tobe used by COROT. Being quite common among bright stars, delta Sctstars are suitable targets for optical observations from space.Based on observations collected at the S. Pedro Martír, SierraNevada, La Silla, Haute-Provence, South African and Roque de LosMuchachos observatories.

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Observation and Astrometry data

Right ascension:19h20m56.30s
Apparent magnitude:7.519
Distance:104.712 parsecs
Proper motion RA:23.4
Proper motion Dec:-1.6
B-T magnitude:7.875
V-T magnitude:7.549

Catalogs and designations:
Proper Names
HD 1989HD 181555
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 464-1510-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0900-14705169
HIPHIP 95112

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