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TYC 865-94-1



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VSOP: the variable star one-shot project. I. Project presentation and first data release
Context: About 500 new variable stars enter the General Catalogue ofVariable Stars (GCVS) every year. Most of them however lackspectroscopic observations, which remains critical for a correctassignement of the variability type and for the understanding of theobject. Aims: The Variable Star One-shot Project (VSOP) is aimed at (1)providing the variability type and spectral type of all unstudiedvariable stars, (2) process, publish, and make the data available asautomatically as possible, and (3) generate serendipitous discoveries.This first paper describes the project itself, the acquisition of thedata, the dataflow, the spectroscopic analysis and the on-lineavailability of the fully calibrated and reduced data. We also presentthe results on the 221 stars observed during the first semester of theproject. Methods: We used the high-resolution echelle spectrographsHARPS and FEROS in the ESO La Silla Observatory (Chile) to survey knownvariable stars. Once reduced by the dedicated pipelines, the radialvelocities are determined from cross correlation with synthetic templatespectra, and the spectral types are determined by an automatic minimumdistance matching to synthetic spectra, with traditional manual spectraltyping cross-checks. The variability types are determined by manuallyevaluating the available light curves and the spectroscopy. In thefuture, a new automatic classifier, currently being developed by membersof the VSOP team, based on these spectroscopic data and on thephotometric classifier developed for the COROT and Gaia space missions,will be used. Results: We confirm or revise spectral types of 221variable stars from the GCVS. We identify 26 previously unknown multiplesystems, among them several visual binaries with spectroscopic binaryindividual components. We present new individual results for themultiple systems V349 Vel and BCGru, for the composite spectrum star V4385Sgr, for the T Tauri star V1045 Sco, andfor DM Boo which we re-classify as a BY Draconisvariable. The complete data release can be accessed via the VSOP website.Based on data obtained at the La Silla Observatory, European SouthernObservatory, under program ID 077.D-0085.

Proper-motion binaries in the Hipparcos catalogue. Comparison with radial velocity data
Context: .This paper is the last in a series devoted to the analysis ofthe binary content of the Hipparcos Catalogue. Aims: .Thecomparison of the proper motions constructed from positions spanning ashort (Hipparcos) or long time (Tycho-2) makes it possible to uncoverbinaries with periods of the order of or somewhat larger than the shorttime span (in this case, the 3 yr duration of the Hipparcos mission),since the unrecognised orbital motion will then add to the propermotion. Methods: .A list of candidate proper motion binaries isconstructed from a carefully designed χ2 test evaluatingthe statistical significance of the difference between the Tycho-2 andHipparcos proper motions for 103 134 stars in common between the twocatalogues (excluding components of visual systems). Since similar listsof proper-motion binaries have already been constructed, the presentpaper focuses on the evaluation of the detection efficiency ofproper-motion binaries, using different kinds of control data (mostlyradial velocities). The detection rate for entries from the NinthCatalogue of Spectroscopic Binary Orbits (S_B^9) is evaluated, as wellas for stars like barium stars, which are known to be all binaries, andfinally for spectroscopic binaries identified from radial velocity datain the Geneva-Copenhagen survey of F and G dwarfs in the solarneighbourhood. Results: .Proper motion binaries are efficientlydetected for systems with parallaxes in excess of ~20 mas, and periodsin the range 1000-30 000 d. The shortest periods in this range(1000-2000 d, i.e., once to twice the duration of the Hipparcos mission)may appear only as DMSA/G binaries (accelerated proper motion in theHipparcos Double and Multiple System Annex). Proper motion binariesdetected among S_B9 systems having periods shorter than about400 d hint at triple systems, the proper-motion binary involving acomponent with a longer orbital period. A list of 19 candidate triplesystems is provided. Binaries suspected of having low-mass(brown-dwarf-like) companions are listed as well. Among the 37 bariumstars with parallaxes larger than 5 mas, only 7 exhibit no evidence forduplicity whatsoever (be it spectroscopic or astrometric). Finally, thefraction of proper-motion binaries shows no significant variation amongthe various (regular) spectral classes, when due account is taken forthe detection biases.Full Table [see full textsee full text] is only available in electronicform at the CDS via anonymous ftp to ( via

Statistical Constraints for Astrometric Binaries with Nonlinear Motion
Useful constraints on the orbits and mass ratios of astrometric binariesin the Hipparcos catalog are derived from the measured proper motiondifferences of Hipparcos and Tycho-2 (Δμ), accelerations ofproper motions (μ˙), and second derivatives of proper motions(μ̈). It is shown how, in some cases, statistical bounds can beestimated for the masses of the secondary components. Two catalogs ofastrometric binaries are generated, one of binaries with significantproper motion differences and the other of binaries with significantaccelerations of their proper motions. Mathematical relations betweenthe astrometric observables Δμ, μ˙, and μ̈ andthe orbital elements are derived in the appendices. We find a remarkabledifference between the distribution of spectral types of stars withlarge accelerations but small proper motion differences and that ofstars with large proper motion differences but insignificantaccelerations. The spectral type distribution for the former sample ofbinaries is the same as the general distribution of all stars in theHipparcos catalog, whereas the latter sample is clearly dominated bysolar-type stars, with an obvious dearth of blue stars. We point outthat the latter set includes mostly binaries with long periods (longerthan about 6 yr).

Hipparcos red stars in the HpV_T2 and V I_C systems
For Hipparcos M, S, and C spectral type stars, we provide calibratedinstantaneous (epoch) Cousins V - I color indices using newly derivedHpV_T2 photometry. Three new sets of ground-based Cousins V I data havebeen obtained for more than 170 carbon and red M giants. These datasetsin combination with the published sources of V I photometry served toobtain the calibration curves linking Hipparcos/Tycho Hp-V_T2 with theCousins V - I index. In total, 321 carbon stars and 4464 M- and S-typestars have new V - I indices. The standard error of the mean V - I isabout 0.1 mag or better down to Hp~9 although it deteriorates rapidly atfainter magnitudes. These V - I indices can be used to verify thepublished Hipparcos V - I color indices. Thus, we have identified ahandful of new cases where, instead of the real target, a random fieldstar has been observed. A considerable fraction of the DMSA/C and DMSA/Vsolutions for red stars appear not to be warranted. Most likely suchspurious solutions may originate from usage of a heavily biased color inthe astrometric processing.Based on observations from the Hipparcos astrometric satellite operatedby the European Space Agency (ESA 1997).}\fnmsep\thanks{Table 7 is onlyavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp ( or via

The 74th Special Name-list of Variable Stars
We present the Name-list introducing GCVS names for 3153 variable starsdiscovered by the Hipparcos mission.

GPM - compiled catalogue of absolute proper motions of stars in selected areas of sky with galaxies.
Not Available

GPM1 - a catalog of absolute proper motions of stars with respect to galaxies
The description of the first version of the General Compiled Catalogueof Absolute Proper Motions (GPM1) for a sample of HIPPARCOS stars,derived with respect to galaxies within the plan called Catalogue ofFaint Stars (KSZ, Deutch 1952), is presented. The principal aim of theGPM1 construction was to provide absolute proper motions of stars todetermine the rotation of the HIPPARCOS system. The GPM1 cataloguecontains 977 HIPPARCOS Input Catalogue stars with V magnitudes $5^m -11^m in 180 fields north of -25 degrees of declination. The accuracy ofthe proper motions is 8 mas/yr (milliarcseconds per year). Comparison ofproper motions of GPM1 with those of the PPM and ACRS was performed andanalyzed with respect to systematic errors caused by spurious rotationof the FK5 system. The standard errors show that the rotation may bedetermined with an accuracy better than 1 mas/yr. Catalog is onlyavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous or ftp

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Membre dels grups següents:

Dades d'Observació i Astrometria

Ascensió Recta:11h58m09.39s
Magnitud Aparent:9.377
Moviment propi RA:12.2
Moviment propi Dec:-4.3
B-T magnitude:11.432
V-T magnitude:9.547

Catàlegs i designacions:
Noms Propis
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 865-94-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0975-06851996
HIPHIP 58372

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